As best as we can figure it, anyway! =3
As best as we can figure it, anyway! =3
I’m polyamorous and currently live with three of my boyfriends. I’m also a partner to a married couple that lives halfway across the country.
Neither group likes the other.
I’m also casually involved with two people I met online (but never in person) and an old high school / college fling that passes through town every few months on the way to visit his family.
Things are especially complicated because I’m 19 months into hormone therapy as an enby, which some of my partners are ecstatic about for me while one disapproves because he’s not “into” trans people.
Note: this is also just a surface detail. There’s personal stuff about more than one of my partners that amplifies the complicatedness, but those aren’t my stories to tell.
Seems to me that the most generous interpretation would be the preponderance of Oracle’s DBs in the government, and Musk being pedantic since they aren’t literally called “SQL” like MySQL, MSSQL, or PostgreSQL (even though most Oracle DBs still fall into that category).
Saving lots of money by hiring back the essential workers they just fired at double their salary, lol~
That’s what I said…
I highly recommend it. American politics makes a lot more sense when our so-called “Democracy” is seen through this lens:
Your figures are reversed.
Trump needs to read the handbook:
He’s also the only president that’s planning to turn at least half of our enlisted soldiers into unemployed veterans and defunding the VA at the same time.
It sure sucks to be watching this happen from inside the USA but at least the inevitable result will be entertaining.
Not unless the data associated with that SSN is itself inconsistent.
For example, when multiple people are fraudulently using the same SSN, the fraud monitoring DB would neccessarily need to record several entries with the same SSN.
Indeed, that’s a possibility, but I’m not privy to the structure of the social security administration’s databases so I couldn’t say if it was indeed the case.
The deeper point being, if the government has any databases at all, then some form of Structured Query Language is being used to read and write it.
To oversimplify, there are two basic kinds of databases: SQL (Structured Query Language, usually pronounced like “sequel” or spelled aloud) and noSQL (“Not Only SQL”).
SQL databases work as you’d imagine, with tables of rows and columns like a spreadsheet that are structured according to a fixed schema.
NoSQL includes all other forms of databases, document-based, graph-based, key-value pairs, etc.
The former are highly consistent and efficient at processing complicated queries or recording transactions, while the latter are more flexible and can be very fast at reads/writes but are harder to keep in sync as a result.
All large orgs will have both types in use for different purposes; SQL is better for banking needs where provable consistency is paramount, NoSQL better for real-time web apps and big data processing that need minimal response times and scalable capacity.
That Musk would claim the government doesn’t use SQL immediately betrays him as someone who is entirely unfamiliar with database administration, because SQL is everywhere.
Look at the bright side, the Evil Empire is over! America is done. Cooked. The next few years are gonna suck a lot but the deteriorating conditions will finally push Americans into a second revolution.
I blame google. If it takes an act of congress to rename a post office then renaming the gulf should too.
Close enough, I live in the mountains where it regularly gets down into the negative teens Fahrenheit for a few weeks in winter.
Eh, builds do take a while but the performance has been sufficient for my needs until very recently. I’ll probably upgrade soon.
Heck, my current desktop is still an old third-gen i-series, lol~
Yep, can’t imagine it any other way, though. Furries and drama go together like… well, furries and other furries. XD