I don’t think you said anything unusual. I’m going to try and get to this stage myself. It’s pretty normal for people interested in digital privacy
I don’t think you said anything unusual. I’m going to try and get to this stage myself. It’s pretty normal for people interested in digital privacy
The issue is cost. Purchasing a pixel just to keep it lying around for one app is a bit too expensive. I’ll just use my of phone instead
Dread has something that works without JS. Don’t know much about it though
I’m not putting it in a Faraday cage, just preventing it from listening and seeing anything. I’ll place it closer to my WAP if it needs it
It’s still the same problem no? If I can’t DeGoogle a phone then I don’t know what and how much data is being captured. Honestly I really liked the idea to just keep the desktop app running on a separate PC with headphones plugged in. I’m wondering if USB landline converters exist so I can have it ring when a call comes but then I can speak like when I’m wearing headphones.
Thank you for the suggestion though
Yes I realised that after I posted, sorry. Do you have any other ideas I could look at? I just want to keep my phone locked up and away from me when I’m in the house but still be able to talk to family over the chat apps they use (they are not very technically literate so Simplex is out of the question; it took a lot of convincing to get some of them in Signal)
Hmm, do you think there’s a way to have the ringing happen on the speakers but the conversation on the headphones? TBH if this is possible then I don’t need to use such complicated measures
What are you talking about mate? The VPS will be a wireguard server, your device will connect to it and use the VPS’ IP address to connect to your game
Well if I could get a twitter API to abuse for free, I’d compete with him to create automated shitposts. Not going to pay for it though
Just so you know; American tech is the exact same with different overlords, and Europe is actively banning encryption.
Where do you want to go?
My phone does this sometimes on cellular data. Usually it’s just my phone being an idiot. Check the power settings for the app, restart the phone and clear the cache for the app. That’s what I do for my chat apps when it starts getting annoying
What ratio are you at with your Linux ISOs *wink.
I stopped using the LX suite when they stopped working on LXDE and switched to LXQT. I think I need to look towards openbox for a minimal DE experience
Just lol at blocking Cloudflare. They seriously think this will being down the number of pirates?
I think in going to switch from XFCE to KDE just because the XFCE merit of using the least amount of the resources is no longer a reality. I miss LXDE
People have had bad experiences and the founder of Njalla hasn’t helped. There are other Domain registrars with a similar strategy to Njalla if you prefer them instead. One can’t deny that not having your name on a domain allows for one to host… err, sensitive stuff
I’d wrap it in a towel inside the box. Have you considered making a DIY Faraday cage? I’ve been thinking about it but my physics isn’t very good
Let’s see: TAILS, Fedora/Debian, Windows and OpenBSD?
Anubis without JavaScript is what I’m waiting for. I know that the Darknet forum Dread has a PoW system that doesn’t use JS (or maybe it does something else entirely and I completely missed it)