Long past time for Linux to be set aside. Shit on windows too. We desperately need a return to early DOS and CP/M days. With the TRS-80 OS ecosystem, OSes were simple and command line, and any hacking was extremely easy and fast to detect. The power of the command line let you wipe out any hackers super super fast. Enough of this Windows GUI and hiding things from users shit. GUI is only for losers. Return the power to the devs.
um… Regnum isn’t really a pve game. For the real veterans, the pve can sort of get zen, since they all know what to expect. RvR is super busy.
i guess, the vibe i get is Regnum is sort of unique in the pvp genre. It’s a really hard RvR game to plan anything, so a lot of the game ends up being about destiny and fate. It’s the only rvr pvp mmo i know of that winning or playing the pvp is like a deep dopamine hit, or like taking a smoke break. Maybe because everyone is standing around chatting about funny plans, or what is happening or not happening, or just chilling. Nobody expects anything, yet everybody pushes in hard when the opportunity arrives.
Regnum is sort of the game, if you can get into the zone, it sort of shows you are in tune with real life, you can manage taking away all the superfluous gfx, and yet get with the rhythm of death and life?
Example RvR video: https://youtu.be/xCAmTIhvQYM?si=0wYkFI8PJBq5CU2r
How some players feel zen in the game: https://youtu.be/qyWFQW5AFmM?si=7uIhJEVY02OfdRh3
Official discord: https://discord.gg/Nz2FVBzw
Comparison video of DAOC war: https://youtu.be/fncnzUUBUiA?si=KKl1QBUwgIJdQgNZ