It is but does it matter if there’s no justice?
It is but does it matter if there’s no justice?
The last major gun control was passed by Reagan as CA governor in response to black panther armed marches.
Trump has said “we’re going to take the firearms first then go to court.” NRA does not care and neither do the rest of the Rs.
I toast my sandwiches. So yes, in a manner of speaking yes.
It’s not even cooked after?
Hate and hamburger diet ages you.
That takes some effort to work into foreplay, especially with the voice.
Ah yes, move these genocided people’s into a little bit of land probably occupied by other people. We’ve never done that before. And if we have there weren’t any problems with it.
/literally Israel-palestine history
And has likely been bankrolled by Russia to act as a divider. She’s also why the greens stopped doing non-presidential campaigns.
The issue is this filth is saying one thing for herself while working to get rid of the protections for everyone else. Republicans have consistently neglected and acted against women for 30+ years. Forget 1980 her party is working towards 1918 and she’s helping, “speaking out” is not helpful when her actions contradict it.
They put too much money in it.
I mean it’s basically using the R strategy, sue and delay, delay, delay until someone else is in power.
Buy a company mostly with other people’s money (he paid ~15B of the 44B offer) lose a lot, 70% or more but use it to win an election and gain 200B in profit.
Musk is a salesman and he’s good at getting investors to get behind his crap. He’s never produced actual value but that doesn’t matter to stock values apparently.
100% tax is still a tax.
ICBM defense especially for the US would have to be fundamentally different than the Iron Dome. Fewer emplacements covering a much larger area and capable of much greater target specificity. Of course it’d be obsolete at deployment and then you could update it as able.
They’re high on their own supply. A lot of these techbros seriously believe they’ll be new monarchs after societal collapse.
Purposefully ineffective. They’re good at protecting capital.
That’s not the view the people I’m talking about were voicing. The people I’m talking about were saying Biden/Harris or Trump would be the same for Gaza so they weren’t going vote or were voting third party that way magically the blood isn’t on their hands. “How is Trump worse for Gaza?” was a common response to calling them out.
This take of vote harris and advocate for her to do better on Gaza is not the take I was seeing and it’s not one I have an issue with since it was my view as well. Espousing that view in those threads just resulted in obtuse takes per the above.
I got better things to do than go back and find them. Just a trend I noticed. I still see pro Palestinian sentiment (which i agree with) but i don’t see the level of blame assignment Biden and Dems got. I see some outrage about like the golden pager but not about rereleasing 2ton bombs. For people who seemed so single-issue its odd.
I mean yeah why would anyone talk about the election anymore unless they’ve got some new take or perspective on why dems lost.
Does it matter if the courts don’t care?
Any recommendations?