He/Him. Formerly sgibson5150@kbin.social.

  • 13 Posts
Joined 4 months ago
Cake day: March 7th, 2024


  • FWIW, I’ve got an i7-8700k with an RTX 3080. I initially had two major issues when I replaced Windows with Bazzite:

    1. Steam doesn’t do great with libraries on NTFS partitions. Supposedly there are workarounds, but I couldn’t get them to work for me. I had to reformat a couple drives as ext4 (and do a bunch of file management in the process) before things would play nice.

    2. I had my CPU overclocked to 4.8 GHz in Windows. BG3 kept crashing on me on Bazzite. Finally occurred to me to drop the overclock and I’ve played 40+ hours since, solid as a rock. Performance is comparable to Windows with OC. GPU temps are consistently better than Windows. Only thing I’m missing is HDR.

    Bonus: GreenWithEnvy (for GPU fan curve) won’t run in a Wayland session yet, apparently, so I’ve been running under X11 instead.

    Hope this helps. YMMV. Happy gaming, whatever OS you use!

  • Replaced Windows with Bazzite on my last personal box on Saturday morning. Played BG3 on that box the rest of the weekend. ❤️

    It’s pretty telling IMO that thousands of people spent millions of hours making it such that a user can play a Windows game without Windows. Thanks to everyone who made this possible.

  • I set this up today on my work laptop with (internal) RTX3060. According to the status indicators on the Adjust Video Image Settings page in the Nvidia control panel, super resolution is working in Chrome v124.x and v125.x but not at all in Firefox v126.0. My eyes tell me the same thing. I was able to play a 480p YT stream in Chrome and it looked surprisingly good on my external 1440p monitor. In FF it looks like ass. I may set up a secondary profile in FF just to make sure I haven’t changed some config setting over the years that would prevent it from working right in FF. Will update if I find anything interesting.

    Edit: Just tried this again with YouTube in FF v126.0 with a clean profile. It does work, but only when the video is full screen (which makes sense I guess, but the behavior is different from Chrome) and I had to manually set the quality level in the Nvidia control panel. In Chrome the auto setting used level 4 (the highest level), but in FF the auto setting only used level 1.