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Joined 3 years ago
Cake day: March 23rd, 2022


  • I completely understand your sentiment. You don’t want to become like them. These people are starting manifest destiny 2.0 and have to be stopped however. The ethnic cleansing of this hemisphere happened over a very long time, people tend to overlook that. If it could have been nipped in the bud, so much misery would have been avoided.

    Edit: Hypersonics are called that because they travel at very high multiples of the speed of sound. It does not have to do with acoustics. The speed enables the missile to bypass air defenses. This one was Mach 11 or 12 or something crazy like that and has a 650kg warhead. It did damage likely that the zios hid.

  • If they wanted to be better, they would have left a long time ago and left the keys for the homes they stole for the indigenous peoples to come back. Nearly every westerner and definitely nearly every single zionists does not feel a tinge of empathy for brown people dying. Anecdotal, but I had an isntraeli coworker and his eyes would light up like a kid on Christmas when talking about the Iraq War. He was soooo happy that all those brown people died.