That’s not how it used to be, and that’s so far only 1 incompetent party. (We’ll see how the other party fares, especially under Elons gaze)
That’s not how it used to be, and that’s so far only 1 incompetent party. (We’ll see how the other party fares, especially under Elons gaze)
The location of that command, also, really annoys me
He’s a man of ACTION in the films, and not a man of giving fools a second chance.
Dumbledore in the books has my heart, but Dumbledore in the films has my sword
The movies also frames Dumbledore as a hard boiled unhinged detective who slams people against walls and shakes them down for information, whereas the book totally missed out on that great aspect of his personality. Swings and roundabouts
Yeah but the patterns that some of us train on might just be noise validated by our own biases
There is a certain level of arrogance with introverts in that they assume a lot of things about people without first engaging with them. I speak as one myself
what mess? you make four cuts and the seeds practically flake off by themselves. shake my head smh
The green ranger was pretty dope, so this fits.
Well you can get them to smear out symbols with their faeces before they die
Oh sure, “his” poop
slams table
We don’t need no stinkin badgers!
Canyonerooo-oooh yah!
It looks like the face from Mars is enjoying his new job.
Fun fact: A4 is literally an acronym for “for anuses”. It became more commonly used for writing because buttholes would use it for writing fanfics.
I used to climb on the roof of my house as a kid and shimmy along the narrow in the middle of the night, just for kicks.
I look back on myself decades later and shudder. I am dead in many parallel worlds.
Alright I’ve been staring at it too long - what’s that emoji?
If you rock it up to a switch, then as the wiring diagram shows: (N)ot gonna (L)ie, (MCB) My Curious Bro, a 3 way gang-bang is pretty gay.
Edit: on an unrelated note, if the neutral wire comes from the light rose and not the switch itself as shown above then you’re gonna need a switch that handles live wires only. In the UK a lot of the newer houses now have the neutral wire in the switch, but before then many UK houses were very gay with the wiring.
Room 312, 43 MLK Blvd, Springfield, NK
As a non-american, you’re doing about okay as everyone else.