Vibin’ in my Lost River habitat.

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Joined 10 months ago
Cake day: September 11th, 2023


  • I’ll spell it out for you:
    It suggests that it needs to be said because there are lots of people who don’t know it. However, everybody knows black lives matter, and it’s an implication that everybody who doesn’t adopt your race ideology is a racist. In reality, those who do are actually racists in denial and are projecting. I and a lot of other people feel this way.
    Then, there are the people who subscribe to your ideology, who think that white people are racist and need to be told to stop being racist, and there are a fair number of people who believe that.
    So, there are a lot of people who think one thing, and a lot of people who think another thing. Shouting your shibboleths in the street that declares your difference highlights the division that exists in society. That is what we call “divisive.”

    Oh, and since this is the first time I see you in this thread, I must say I’m sorry I wasn’t able to divine that you were waiting for an explanation.

  • How can this not be the biggest crock of shit? It’s absolutely unbelievable. The study, of course, is not linked, but it does mention that it’s anonymous and self-selected. There’s absolutely no evidence that any of these conclusions are even remotely grounded in reality.

    "The report, which is being published in the British Journal of Surgery, is the first attempt to get a sense of the scale.

    Registered surgeons - men and women - were invited to take part completely anonymously and 1,434 responded. Half were women:

    63% of women had been the target of sexual harassment from colleagues
    30% of women had been sexually assaulted by a colleague
    11% of women reported forced physical contact related to career opportunities
    At least 11 incidents of rape were reported
    90% of women, and 81% of men, had witnessed some form of sexual misconduct

    While the report shows men are also subject to some of this behaviour (24% had been sexually harassed), it concludes men and women surgeons are “living different realities”.

    “Our findings are likely to shake the confidence of the public in the surgical profession,” said Dr Christopher Begeny, from the University of Exeter.

    35,000 cases of sexual misconduct in NHS in five years
    Workplace sexual-harassment clampdown for doctors

    Meanwhile a second report - called Breaking the Silence: Addressing Sexual Misconduct in Healthcare - is making recommendations for what needs to change. "