• 6 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 10th, 2023


  • First of all, I cannot speak for the current state of Reddit myself because I literally never go there anymore.

    I’ve been here for 5 days, and from my experience is this platform has gained a lot of traction even in that short timeframe. Hopefully it just doesn’t level off and then die suddenly.

    Most importantly though, this article hit on the nose of what my opinion is on what made Reddit great… great 3rd party platforms (I loved Apollo) and the moderation/customization of its subreddits. Everything was so hands off. Both of those are gone now. Reddit killed off the very things that made it unique and so good.

    In my 7 years on Reddit, I’d say over the last two-ish years we have slowly been seeing that leave. So many subs got shut down, and some definitely were questionable at best, but in it, Reddit organic feel and freedom. At first it was only the worst of the worst subs, but slowly more and more left. Not to mention moderation was being done by a shrinking number of people and it seemed the echo chamber in each individual sub got worse.

    Some changes were directly administration’s fault, others indirect to varying degrees.

    I’d argue Reddit has slowly been killing itself for awhile now, it’s just that the latest changes are the most abrupt, direct, and significant.

  • My time on Reddit died simultaneously with Apollo. I’m doing what I can by not giving that place anymore traffic from me.

    Found out about Lemmy yesterday. While it’s not there with niche interests at this point, it definitely cures the itch.

    You want to stick it to the man? Quit going there altogether people!