Practices recorded by UNRWA include the use of a nail gun on prisoners’ knees, sexual abuse against both men and women and the insertion of what appears to be an electrified metal stick into prisoners’ rectums.

    • 【J】【u】【s】【t】【Z】
      7 months ago

      Look bud, you go to NY and spend some time at unga and then come talk about symbolic votes at the UN.

      Right, no way to force Gaza. International law is based on custom and tradition and arguments that have worked in the past. Israel faces an unprecedented threat because of the tunnel system and lawfare, and both are the primary strategies by which Hamas perpetuates its criminal enterprise.

      You mistake proportionality. I would say that u2ssing conventional weapons to destroy the enemy’s ability to repeat a conventional attack by destroying the mechanism of attack is always proportionate.

      The tunnels are the mechanism and they are, for the most part, the target. That’s proportionate. Period. That the targets are surrounded by human shields does not go to proportionality, it goes to the rules of engagement.

      No, I do not think that isolated war crimes equates to genocide. Genocide is a formal policy and an intentional enterprise. I do not think the locally directed rhetoric of extreme Israeli politicians who are about to lose office is evidence of formal policy when that rhetoric doesn’t match the facts on the ground. Myanmar was using helicopter strafing runs to gun down fleeing Rohyne women and children by the hundreds and napalming villages from which no rockets were ever launched and which had no tunnel shafts. The Nazis got too sad lining up women and babies by the thousands in a tench and then shooting them at close range so they built gas chambers, first mobile ones that could do 10 or 15 Jews at a time, then whole purpose-built facilities. And the perpetrators didn’t warn anyone.

      This is more to me like how the Americans dropped leaflets before they dropped bombs when we struck Nazi positions in occupied France and elsewhere.

      So no, I don’t think calling people on the telephone and asking them to leave while Israel bombs out the tunnels is either indiscriminate or genocidal.

      But when Hamas goes and tells everyone those phone calls are a hoax and to go stand up on the roof, I do find that to be intentional genocide.

        • 【J】【u】【s】【t】【Z】
          7 months ago

          And by the way, it’s not just me. When one of the permanent members of the security council comes out and says they’re going to veto a controversial resolution, everyone calls the ensuing vote symbolic because everyone gets to vote without consequence.

          You are literally right now holding up the vote as a symbol.

          And also, it’s not just me, virtually everyone of consequence in US government. Governing is hard work. Bless your heart, I don’t think you’re equipped for it.

          Anyway, what’s your brilliant proposal for lasting peace in Gaza?

        • 【J】【u】【s】【t】【Z】
          7 months ago

          They found it plausible under a standard presumption that all facts alleged were true. South Africa’s complaint is filled with circular reasoning and citations to sources that don’t say with South Africa supposes they say. Such as article after article of unconfirmed reports.

          Plausibility is not probability.

          Kids die in war. Yes, it’s very sad, and I see how upset you are. We get it, you must be a very good person. I’m sorry Hamas made the news so upsetting. All this horseshit you’re talking about me being some person who thinks 12,000 kids deserve to die is you being small and emotional.

          Hmm. The international tradition on allied leafleting is that is was a war crime? That’s interesting. And yet it wasn’t a war crime that anybody got hung for, is it? Probably has something to do with the allies not being the people who put kids in harms way. Gaza could have kept to itself or elected someone other than Hamas (who immediately cancelled all future elections) and it would have been a post-Arab-spring young developing nation right now. We could have done as we did when South Africa finally came around, and sent our best and brightest there to help draft a new Constitution. Instead it chose a religious dictatorship to whom the concept of a written constitution of laws is religious infidelity, punishable by death. Instead, Gaza chose suicide bombings, mass shootings of civilians, and Hamas® brand Martyrdom,™ aka “instead of evacuating let’s all have family gatherings and silence our cell phones so we can protect our brave Hamas heroes hiding under our house!”

          You can take all 12,000 kids and put them right at the foot of Hamas’s leadership of Gaza. I’m sure they’d have of “oh no it’s the consequences of our own actions” before they revert to your logic of “why would Joe Biden do this?”