This isn’t bitching so much as a curiosity. Here in, would it be considered abusive for an admin to actively participate in a discussion, then get upset and delete the same comments they themselves have been replying to?

I’d just like to clarify the administration posture of this instance. There are lots of accusations of unfairness here. I don’t know if that’s an individualistic thing or a matter of policy.

Mainly asking so I can more easily identify what discussions are not safe to participate in.


    4 months ago

    You’re constantly insulting people. That’s why your comments keep getting removed: you’re just being an asshole, not actually having any discussions.

        4 months ago

        … the most recent time you’ve had your comments removed was because you were calling people children and fascists, without engaging substantively at all?

        And my comments, which insulted you in kind, were also removed. So you’re just wrong.

            4 months ago

            You’re being ignorant of your own actions.

            If you want to have conversations with people who aren’t exactly like you then you need to soften your approach.

            You just calling people children if they do lot accept your binary worldview is not engaging with people. And many of them were k. Fact trying to engage with you. You’ll notice that their comments were not removed.

            You’ll also notice that you and I were among the only to have our comments removed. It’s because you were the only person to report to the mods. And then I did the same when the mod clearly had no interest in actually reading your behavior, so I reported your insults in kind to the moderation team.

            You literally started the escalation to moderation because you couldn’t take me insulting you, so you reported it.

            I am of the mind that dissenting and even occasionally mean spirited discourse is good. It’s why I thought lemmy would be an improvement over other online spaces, which is generally true except for .ml, where if I try to inject any nuance to international relations I am simply called a “liberal.”

                4 months ago

                Poor baby; what do you think I get called when I try to inject any nuance into international relations at (before I get banned)? I promise you it’s a lot worse than “liberal.”

                Wow, so brave. It must be so hard for you to be oppressed here on Lemmy.

                4 months ago

                Also, again, I didn’t report you until long after the moderators over there showed no interest in actually cleaning up the thread. When they showed their unwillingness to actually read your comments, I reported them.

                Look at the timing: I had that exchange with the moderator before your comments were removed. You literally tried to shut down conversation when it got rough for you.

                    4 months ago

                    What? You reported me. I tried to allow us to continue engaging with one another to the mod, or insisted on equal moderation. When that wasn’t forthcoming, I responded in-kind.

                    I was perfectly happy to keep calling you stupid every time you said something stupid, but the mods didn’t like that, and I don’t appreciate unequal moderation.

                    Did you expect me to stand by and watch you be an asshole after you reported my comments for being an asshole to you? Why would I silence myself like that?

                    I don’t mind you reporting me. I don’t like it when you use the report button as a weapon to silence dissent, though. Which is what you did.

                4 months ago

                See, you’re doing it again. You’re just insulting. This isn’t how to have a conversation when you want to actually understand another person, or reflect on your own actions.

                I don’t assume that a person who disagrees with me on the internet is automatically a child white supremacist ultra-nationalist, which is what you did all over that thread and in others.

                My comments that insulted you were removed. The ones where you called people “children” were removed. Notice that not all of your comments were removed, just the insulting ones! There’s a pattern there, if you can just take off your emotional blinders and see it.

                You were just starting shit. Which is why I insulted you, and had my comments removed. Tell me about how you inject nuance into a conversation? Is it by calling people with different views than you “children?” Because… that’s not injecting nuance. That’s being an asshole.

                    4 months ago

                    My goodness. You’re an insufferable blowhard.

                    I’m engaging with you in good faith right now and you seem to be literally incapable of chilling the fuck out.

                    Just ease your tone a little bit, dude. Not everybody who disagrees with you is a fascist.

                    This is a really good example of why you feel persecuted in spaces that are not homogeneous: as soon as you are met with anything aside from agreement you leap to some pretty crazy assumptions about people you’re talking to on the internet. You don’t even allow people to respond before you assume so many things about them and shut the conversation down.

                    Just be a little bit better?