From Wikipedia:
A fatwa is a legal ruling on a point of Islamic law (sharia) given by a qualified Islamic jurist (faqih) in response to a question posed by a private individual, judge or government.
So unless you live in a country that runs on Sharia law and have your real information connected to your account, you can safely ignore it.
You could report the poster for being mean if it goes against that community’s or instance’s rules. Up to you. But I think someone’s just being a troll.
I just want to point out that saying things to people with the intent of making them fear for their life, is probably a crime.
If OP is worried for real, maybe a restraining order is possible.
Not because a religious judgement really means anything violent (or even specific) but because there is someone trying to intimidate OP.
I am currently in the states so I should be safe. Thanks for the info.
Anyone can call themselves an imam and give out a fatwah so long as they have people willing to listen. Its not like its an arrest warrant or smth, no legitimate party runs this.
i hadn’t realized it was online tho. By reporting I thought op meant to the pigs.
Colloquially it means “your blood is free” to other people. It gives islamic religious lunatics a reason to kill you. If you are somewhat of a known person you should be worried. In a regular legal system (as in not in an islamic sharia law place) this can pass as a threat and legal action should be taken against the one who said it to you.
What im saying is the popular street meaning of this and thus it shouldn’t be taken lightly. Its a threat. Period full stop.
Theologically it just means some religious legal entity ruled against you in your absence.
It means some religious nut job is going to tell other religious nut jobs to hurt you.
Well I got another contract to go to in CA so I am not really worried about it after reading up on it. I think I am safe unless someone is stalking me. It is just a very weird thing to be told.
See? Why would you expose where you’re going when you potentially have an extremist stalker? Delete those details.
Kind of a weird thing to say, it’s a ruling on a point of islamic law…
Some reference material:
the Iranian Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini issued a fatwa calling for his assassination
That bit of history is generally where the misuse of the term entered the western world.
The issued fatwa was an interpretation of law that concluded his assassination was legal and even expected punishment under the law. But the phrase then came to be used in the west when Islamic religious law prompted anyone to take an illegal/extremist action in the west.
It would be like a southern baptist pastor calling for a lynching or the electric chair on moral grounds.
It seems likely that the person who told OP meant it in the misused way, which makes the intent to intimidate clear.
Could you explain why you think that is misuse of the word?
The issue is taking a broad concept and making it mean a very specific one instead.
(Please note I am an atheist that lived for years in a “Muslim country”. I don’t actually agree with any of the below, but understanding what words are intended to mean is important when you are surrounded by their use in 2 different contexts).
Fatwa: a Sharia law ruling by an imam
Fatwa (western): a ruling by an imam that a person is not protected by the law and therefore a target for assassination
Hijab: men and women of Islam should maintain a sense of visual propriety in order to avoid devaluing what can be seen in private.
Hijab (western): that cloth Islamic women wear on their head.
Jihad: the righteous struggles that each human faces to choose a difficult path for good reasons.
Jihad (western): a holy war of aggression against infidels
Question: What did you do that resulted in someone saying that to you, OP?
No clue just random message appeared in my inbox.
creepy 😬
Report and block.
If they don’t have your name, address or picture, just ignore it, but depending on where the Fatwa came from, should be considered a physical threat.
I am currently reading the Fatwa wiki. And it seems like it has gotten distorted from what it was origanally suppose to be. So I am taking it with a grain of salt. Also in two weeks I move again so have fun tracking me lol.
Probably some degenerate talking a big game. Might want to take it more seriously, as a threat, depending on context.
the same as them saying you will be excommunicated. or that they will hang you for high treason. essentially its total bullshit as they likely do not have the authority to do what they are saying.
deleted by creator
I lol’ed
Larry David? Is that you?