• Kirbywithwhip1987@lemmygrad.ml
    2 months ago

    Literally everything Eastern Europe has to do is to stop praising, supporting and building monuments for fucking nazis and be normal, really hard part for a lot of them.

            • Red_Scare [he/him]@lemmygrad.ml
              2 months ago

              How did it get there?

              Who kept financing far right and nationalist movements, first amongst émigrés and then as soon as the iron curtain fell amongst soviet people?

              Who made up all the anti-communist propaganda, turned natural disasters into genocides, financed “education” programs, “museums” like the occupation museum on Tbilisi, etc?

              Who enforced neoliberal policies, shock therapy, etc?

              Soviet people voted against dissolution of the USSR but comprador politicians ignored that, then Russian people were going to elect Zyuganov but US soft-couped him and stole the election for Yeltsin.

              Who fucking financed Maidan and organised a coup? There’s literally a recording of Nuland deciding which politician gets what position in Ukrainian govt.

              Then Ukrainian people elected Zelensky to make a deal with Russia which he tried to do, what happened to that?

              And then “”““leftist””“” yanks will bumble around asking "why can’t those Eastern Europeans just be normal like the rest of the world?

              Fuck right off, all of you.

              • LeniX@lemmygrad.ml
                2 months ago

                why can’t those Eastern Europeans just be normal like the rest of the world

                Now that I think about it… Let’s define “normal”. Does a country that:

                • conducted over 300 interventions (including wars/invasions, coups, acts of political meddling, sabotage and terrorism) since 1776
                • inflicted more deaths and suffering cumulatively (directly or indirectly) than any empire in history
                • supported and/or inspired virtually all reactionary anti-communist and colonial movements in existence - monarchists, fascists (including the Nazis), the Contras, the Zionists, you name it
                • crushed the majority of governments that were attempting economic sovereignty, let alone socialist transition
                • nazified many former socialist countries to oblivion, at least partially for the sake of punishing them for the impunity of revolution
                • went ahead and plundered the entire world

                meet the definition of “normal”?

                All I can say is… If we, Eastern Europeans, are not normal, then surely the country in question doesn’t meet the definition of normality either. And I’m not trying to absolve the Banderites or the neo-Ustase or whoever from responsibility - they all should get the wall, but… If you want to be insanely reductive, at the very least do it in a materialist way.

              • Kirbywithwhip1987@lemmygrad.ml
                2 months ago

                I know all of that.

                And then “”““leftist””“” yanks will bumble around asking "why can’t those Eastern Europeans just be normal like the rest of the world?

                Fuck right off, all of you.

                Where do you think I’m from? lmao

                • Red_Scare [he/him]@lemmygrad.ml
                  2 months ago

                  A yank started the whole " why can’t Ukraine just be normal" thing, I can tell cause only a yank would refer to his homeland simply as “our country” without feeling the need to clarify which fucking country.

              • CCCP Enjoyer@lemmygrad.ml
                2 months ago

                Obviously the answer is the US. We all know that. Doesn’t mean there isn’t a huge domestic nazi problem, either. As much as it saddens me, the historical presence of those forces is fertile soil for western imperialism and will continue to be so until the prevailing social current is to fight fascism rather than collaborate with it.

                Not blaming Ukrainian voters, but we should also just accept by this point that Zelenskyy tricked a lot of people into believing he wanted to reunify the country and (somewhat) normalize things with Russia. “Electing” a US-coup puppet was never going to end well, regardless of the vibes. I do think, however, most people who did vote for him were honestly believed they were voting to end the atrocities.

                • Red_Scare [he/him]@lemmygrad.ml
                  2 months ago

                  Ok so then what about this?

                  Literally everything Eastern Europe has to do is to stop praising, supporting and building monuments for fucking nazis and be normal, really hard part for a lot of them.

                  Does that ring true to you or is there more to it than Eastern Europeans being abnormal?

                  Is being normal really “everything Eastern Europe has to do”, or are there maybe some changes needed in the west for that normality to happen?

                  • CCCP Enjoyer@lemmygrad.ml
                    2 months ago

                    No, I’m not supporting that statement. It’s too reductive and I understand why you have some very raw nerves on the subject; I certainly do.

                    I think we may be interpreting the intent a little differently, though. I mostly feel like I’m just helplessly drowning in sadness and horror in front of a screen all the time, and I generally try to cope with satire or sarcasm. I try to avoid being quite this glib or insensitive, but I probably fuck that up a lot, too. Reads that way to me at least.