• ultramaven@sh.itjust.works
    1 month ago

    You’ve never heard of Social Security? I personally think it’s important to highlight the fundamental pieces of government that already work using systems people could classify as “socialist”. You pay in. You get you cut. The government uses everyones money as leverage.

    The context, is the current population is quite literally on the precipice of throwing out modern liberal democracy all together.

    I agree, of course, there are many other components to being human in America that the government isn’t properly established to deal with. But people who already hate the idea of socialism, they should understand that America grew to what it is, what it was, in part because of those policies.

    It’s also a much better story to wrap yourself in than WW2 dominance and trickle-down horse-shit, and the ever-constant reminder of failed reconstruction and native demolition. America came together once, in the darkness of the Depression, to build a foundation. The last several generations, even those that existed when these programs were established, have existed to destroy and steal and gut. But Reagan told us all it was the government’s fault, and in the golden hue of the 1980s, who the fuck needed Social Security? It was those same government programs that saved Americas cities, that built Americas roads. Many of the tracks may be gone, but they’ve all been replaced with internet cables — similarly a public enterprise.

    America is not a socialist country, it’s constitution needs rewritten. But so much of what makes America what it is, what Americans understand America to be, is solely because of social liberalism. And all of these people that are voting Trump, they should understand that. Because Trump literally stands for demolishing all of it.

    • Dasus@lemmy.world
      1 month ago

      You’ve never heard of Social Security?

      Oh, you’ve never heard of the The Democratic People’s Republic of Korea? As you can see from the name, they’re definitely democratic.

      The US social security is a bad joke compared to other developed nations.

      To say “USA has been championing socialist policies for 100 years” is on the same level as saying “China has been championing personal freedom for 100 years”.

      The US doesn’t even have direct presidential elections, which by the standard of developed democratic nations is extremely weird.

      There’s a lot there I don’t need to comment on. I’m challenging you on your “America has been championing socialist policies for 100 years” comment.

      Compared to European social security and labour laws, US socialist policies and labour laws are pretty much on the level of developing nations — if that.

      Case in point; Among 41 countries, only U.S. lacks paid parental leave

      Are you honestly trying to use public roads as an example of “having championed socialist policies”? Not exactly the most novel or progressive policy, I would say.


      Last Week Tonight with John Oliver - Homelessness


      Social Security benefits in the United States are lower than many other developed countries.

      You have people who are employed full time, some even in two jobs, who still have to live and shit on the street.

      “Championing socialist policies” lol

      • ultramaven@sh.itjust.works
        1 month ago

        I also said a century. I mean when was Social Security setup in your country? I don’t think you understand the ideological war being fought in America.

      • ultramaven@sh.itjust.works
        1 month ago

        Literal strawman nonsense, look at this man go. I think you should understand that America is attempting to erode a woman’s right to vote. That’s what I’m saying. That all these people that think America should continue down the path of abandoning modern democracy should look into Americas past and understand the points in time in which it has championed for rights.

        Thats the way you use that word. You’re literally admitting you’re ESL and can’t use English as well as I can. You’ve built a massive strawman on this simple fact. Other commentors can see my point. You can’t. Sorry.

        Like I actually can’t believe you’ve built this massive of a strawman, it’s incredible. All because you don’t know the definition of a word. That’s literally all you go back to, as well. Nothing else I say matters. You just masturbate to your strawman, Mr Fin.

    • captainlezbian@lemmy.world
      1 month ago

      Ok yes. In the 1930s the United States came shockingly close to socialist revolution over the Great Depression and as such we won massive concessions that have been in the process of being eroded since the end of wwii, but especially since the 80s. Such a massive propaganda campaign combined with anti communist crackdowns happened that we basically surrendered social security and couldn’t implement universal healthcare

      • ultramaven@sh.itjust.works
        1 month ago

        See this guy understands what I’m saying.

        To say that America is “number 1” is not what I was saying, it was that at the heart of the American governmental systems lies a true socialist foundation. That’s why it’s been hammered for so long, because it’s what should have propelled America into the 21st century.