• aodhsishaj@lemmy.world
      6 months ago

      That’s the whole point of having so many kids. More parishioners to work in the fields to fill the coffers and if a few die no worries we’ll make new ones.

    • Billiam@lemmy.world
      6 months ago

      Their deaths do not matter to these people.

      It’s going to be women who spearhead the work to overturn these bans. Republicans don’t give a flying fuck about children being murdered in schools; the deaths of those “slutty sinful evil babykilling whores” but not me, I’m a good person who needed my abortion! isn’t going to make them change their minds. Remember: to a Republican, any fact which doesn’t conform to their worldview (like abortion bans increasing the number of dead women, or comprehensive sex ed and easy-to-access birth control reduces abortions) is just simply wrong.

    • Right? After people actually died as a consequence of this law, the governor’s office is still dismissing concerns. Outrageous.

      ProPublica asked the governor’s office on Friday to respond to cases of denied care, including the two abortion-related deaths, and whether its exceptions were adequate. Spokesperson Garrison Douglas said they were clear and gave doctors the power to act in medical emergencies. He returned to the state’s previous argument, describing ProPublica’s reporting as a “fear-mongering campaign.”

      How is it fear-mongering once actual people have actually died?