I’m looking into setting up Mastodon instance for myself on a very minimal cloud server. To save resources on that box, I’d like to run the web interface on my own server at home, and only have the Mastodon backend running on the VPS. What’s the best way to achieve this? Does anyone have experience with this, or do you know any useful resources?
I have a hybrid hosting approach. I’m running the web workers, reddis, and postgres on a vps and then running the background works on a server in my basement. I use Tailscale to connect them
How did you set this up? Could you provide a few details?
There are tutorials for setting up Mastodon, docker, and Tailscale. Do you have any specific questions?
And why didn’t you run everything from your home server?
I understand Docker and know how to set up a Mastodon instance, but how do I run the web frontend separately from the backend?
And why would I even need Tailscale? Is there something I’m missing here?
I don’t have a static IP at home, and even if I had one, I don’t want to expose it to the internet.