Been playing Disco Elysium again and seeing this makes me wonder if a wasp, given ceramic armor and an automatic weapon, would destroy a bee hive all by itself or if the bees would fuck up that wasp.
The bees would still overcome the wasp, assuming it’s a large hive. The wasp will have practical limitations on the amount of ammunition for the weapon (also the question of whether it can reload before getting swarmed) and the ceramic armour won’t help against the bees massing together to form a ball of bees around the wasp and overheating it until it dies.
Edit: Apparently it depends on the type of bees as to whether they do the heat ball of death thing, so your mileage may vary.
Been playing Disco Elysium again and seeing this makes me wonder if a wasp, given ceramic armor and an automatic weapon, would destroy a bee hive all by itself or if the bees would fuck up that wasp.
The bees would still overcome the wasp, assuming it’s a large hive. The wasp will have practical limitations on the amount of ammunition for the weapon (also the question of whether it can reload before getting swarmed) and the ceramic armour won’t help against the bees massing together to form a ball of bees around the wasp and overheating it until it dies.
Edit: Apparently it depends on the type of bees as to whether they do the heat ball of death thing, so your mileage may vary.
I’ve seen a few wasps completely destroy some backyard hives. It wasn’t pretty.
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What about now it’s time to rock with the Bickedy Buck Bumble
Bum to the bum to the bum to the bass to the bum to the boom to the Bumble
Bum to the bum to the bum to the bass to the bum to the boom to the Bumble
Bum to the bum to the bum to the bass to the bum to the boom to the Bumble
Bum to the bum to the bum to the bass to the bum to the boom to the Bumble