Exclusive: clip from canvasser for Musk’s America Pac reveals apparent ease in which GPS location can be spoofed

Donald Trump’s ground game in Arizona and Nevada may be undercut by canvassers working for America Pac using GPS spoofing to pretend they have knocked on doors when they haven’t, according to multiple people familiar with the practice and a leaked how-to-fake-location video.

The ramifications for Trump may be far reaching, given America Pac has taken on the bulk of the Trump campaign’s ground game in the battleground states, and the election increasingly appears set to be decided by turnout.

A bootleg how-to-spoof video, made by an America Pac canvasser in Nevada and obtained by the Guardian, shows the apparent ease with which locations can be changed to fake door-knocks, calling into question how many Trump voters have actually been reached by the field operation.

The video, shared with a few hundred canvassers, walks through the setup: a user downloads a GPS-spoofing app to falsely place themself at the door of a Trump voter, fakes responses to the survey and takes steps to cover up the fraud by varying the survey responses to make it believable.

  • givesomefucks@lemmy.world
    4 hours ago

    We see polls every day

    Some polls are bullshit, but polling aggregators still use them.

    So if you look at respectable independent polling, it doesn’t matter at all.

    If you blindly follow aggregators, then it would effect the overall numbers.

    But from the article it’s grifting from Musk’s PAC, they’re the ones paying for the canvassing that’s not happening