Prosecutors highlighted “about $10,000 — $8,000 in U.S. dollars and then $2,000 in foreign currency that was found on his person,” CNN correspondent Danny Freeman said following the court hearing.
“Also they said that he had a Faraday bag,” which blocks cell signals, a move that prosecutors alleged marked “an indication of criminal sophistication and reason they should hold him on bail,” Freeman continued.
After prosecutors made the claims, Mangione said he would like to “correct two things.”
“I don’t know where any of that money came from — I’m not sure if it was planted. And also, that bag was waterproof, so I don’t know about criminal sophistication,” the suspect said in a statement that suggested police framed him.
Where is the body camera footage?
Until I see it, all of this shit fake news.
Luigi didn’t do shit. They are just trying to pin it on any Italian guy that fits their narrative
Sure he hates health insurance parasites so does 99% of US.
It ain’t a crime!
Saying Mangione is a hero implies you’re convinced he’s the killer. Not great…
the original scene in the Sopranos is about Christopher Columbus, so…
That’s a very conservative estimate.
Statistically the 1% are benefiting from the insurance parasites.
Considerably less than that.
“The 1%” is, ironically, a way to protect the elites and keep us divided amongst ourselves. But that ignores the wealth inequality issues and how many people aren’t even “middle class”.
In plenty of states? Making low six figures is already enough to put you as a “one percenter” for your demographic. Especially if you have a partner who makes a similar amount of money. And that scales with cost of living. A couple years ago (during the pandemic) I saw a really good breakdown that basically showed “if you can afford to live on your own, you are probably at least a top 5% earner”
And those people are just as vulnerable to an illness that insurance doesn’t cover.
No. The people benefiting aren’t even the “1%”. It is a ridiculously small percentage of the population.
Because the population of the US is 346.3 million people. One percent of that is about 3.5 million people. You are almost guaranteed to know some “one percenters” and they are probably actually great people who are having a lot of the same struggles as you. Maybe they can afford to buy fast food but they are still only one or two bad days away from being destitute. Which tempers anger and rage and protects the people who actually have the vast majority of the wealth in this country.
Interesting to consider that were the 0.01%ers to simply disappear, nobody would miss them at all. And if they were to disappear and their money were to be distributed amongst the rest of us, we would all have significantly improved lives.
My wife and I live on my income (not amazingly but we make do in a suburban part of a lower aide of middle income state) and I’m less than half the 5% threshold for the lowest state.
Somebody got to own all them shares
Please don’t say fake news. You sound like a far right nutjob. We are better than that.
You can call out news as being fake without being right wing buddo. All mainstream media owned by Sinclair is fake. Anything in between has a narrative they’re trying to achieve. If it ain’t journalism, it’s a dead opinion.
95% of what is out is fake news… You can call it what you want.
Also this ain’t about politics. Both sides use the same tactic lol
Yeah lol that’s my point?