Anyone else think trump is going to plummet the west into world war three and that might be the next catalyst for a full scale class conflict based civil war in the us? With talks of imposing automatic registration of gen z into selective service and the response gen z has had to the whole brian thompson/luigi mangione story it seems that they would be far more likely to revolt rather than go and risk death for our war profiteering billionaire overlord. The way shits going in the middle east and in the us things seem like a powder keg more now than ever and the ever growing financial alliances of countries that have joined, are just joining or soon to join BRICS big things could happen as a result. Maybe im just being paranoid?
Argentina refused
What surprises me is Vietnam not accepting
The ASEAN countries joining seems like a big deal since they were supposed to be the US’s alternatives to China’s manufacturing. The only other big alternative is Mexico who is also drifting closer to BRICS.
If there’s ever a war, Australia is getting absolutely rekked by a hundred different ethnicities, most of them ASEAN (none of them crakkkkkkas)
wouldn’t even need a military invasion, just refugees alone would take the continent
Wait, why were Saudi Arabia and Turkey invited?
Mexico is probably next, LESSSS FUCKING GO!
Another banger
Coming down from ersatz mushrooms right now and this hit me in a way that my brain could only process italianly. Like the actual raw sensation of my cognition took the form of an OHH
Oh cool so we can blame it for 41% of the worlds oppression.
Least ignorant lib
The amount of oppression per capita would be roughly 2/3 of what it is for the non-BRICS countries. Another BRICS W o7
Oppression is when sovereign states don’t bend the knee to US imperialism.
Genuinely baffled by this, thank you
Was this supposed to be ironic and isn’t sticking the landing?
It’s not a joke.
I’m an anarchist. States are oppression, only authie simps defend their existence.
Okay, I used to be an anarchist so I can theoretically understand where you may be coming from and I would be open to a discussion about it.
But I’m inclined not to believe you’re actually an anarchist that is opposing this from an anti-statist position out of good faith. Do you understand what BRICS even is? They are not the formation of new states, just a different economic organization of states mostly from the currently oppressed Global South to oppose the current imperialistic, hegemonic order. I’m guessing you are probably White and don’t think there are degrees of oppression? You would oppose Cuba as authoritarian oppression just as much as you would the US? How would you recommend people from the Global South get out from under the current economic oppression imposed by the US? Do you think if they all just ended their States that the West would simply let them exist in peace or would they amplify their exploitation?
Nobody from .ml or hex is in good faith, so I’m not open to having a discussion with you about it.
Now go run off and defend Chinese genocide and imperialism or whatever else it is you scum do.
Well, then, that makes it easy for everyone involved, doesn’t it?
I think you’re a full of shit fascist and using anarchism as a cover.
Edit to respond to your edit:
Now go run off and defend Chinese genocide and imperialism or whatever else it is you scum do.
YOU are literally the one supporting imperialism right now. Jesus fucking Christ, you’re an idiot.
“Being against states supports states”
Okay chud, enjoy your fake logic.
Being against everything equally just puts you on the side of power by default.
So. Do you side with America or against it? Those are the only choices.
The country with the biggest prison population in the world probably won’t join BRICS anytime soon, so no I wouldn’t expect so.
Elemental Hero Stratos would kick your shit in
Anyone think that there will really be a BRICS currency?
Yes, but more like the bancor (a la Keynes) for central bank settlements rather than a currency you or I could use to buy lunch.
I hope they develop some kind of way to avoid western currencies, so yeah, a BRICS currency would be neat