This is the John Wick I want to see. Have an assassin come to kill him, but he’s so starstruck by Wick that he has to take the opportunity to socialize with him. John makes meals for his soon-to-be killer, lets the assassin help him work the land and tend to his animals.
Days turn to weeks turn to months. We learn that John Wick only keeps a snake gun around, no other armory; no opportunities to find out “could Wick still have held his own in the end.”
The assassin helps fake John’s death, then moves on with a new appreciating for patience and noticing the little things. The assassin then realizes how awful the association is that they work for. They become heartbroken and disillusioned. They move on, leaving the story open on whether they’re gonna take down their own employers.
Then, if the audience and studio wants another action movie, they can decide from there, leaving Keanu out of it. At most, he can be a cameo for where assassins go to relax and learn from each other. Wick can be kept safe by the constant flow of assassins visiting and seeking expanded horizons.
This is a great idea, but I don’t want it to be a rehash of “you can’t escape your past”. No shots fired, no flashbacks, as little dialogue as possible.
This is the John Wick I want to see. Have an assassin come to kill him, but he’s so starstruck by Wick that he has to take the opportunity to socialize with him. John makes meals for his soon-to-be killer, lets the assassin help him work the land and tend to his animals.
Days turn to weeks turn to months. We learn that John Wick only keeps a snake gun around, no other armory; no opportunities to find out “could Wick still have held his own in the end.”
The assassin helps fake John’s death, then moves on with a new appreciating for patience and noticing the little things. The assassin then realizes how awful the association is that they work for. They become heartbroken and disillusioned. They move on, leaving the story open on whether they’re gonna take down their own employers.
Then, if the audience and studio wants another action movie, they can decide from there, leaving Keanu out of it. At most, he can be a cameo for where assassins go to relax and learn from each other. Wick can be kept safe by the constant flow of assassins visiting and seeking expanded horizons.
“My Dinner with John”
How the heck does a snake use a gun though?
It’s a Colt Python.
See? That’s something people would watch. Hollywood, take note.
This is a great idea, but I don’t want it to be a rehash of “you can’t escape your past”. No shots fired, no flashbacks, as little dialogue as possible.
I would pay money to watch this.