I’m wearing a version of that shirt now. About to go hiking.
How the hell these boys think about body armor?! If you want it, practice with it, I got no beef. But fuck me. A gas mask and extra filters would be far more practical for SHTF (shit hits the fan) scenarios.
For those not in the know, the lower half is rigged for 8x, 30-round rifle mags. Top half, can’t say exactly, 4x pistol mags? I carry a shit knife, monocular and compass up front. Use those daily.
I walk the neighborhood woods with 20lbs. of gear (largely beer!), got first-aid/emergency gear out the ass (because I’m usually alone). But for a fire fight? Whatever pistol I’ve been proficient with lately (and works at night) and an extra mag. I usually carry 16-26 shots. If I’m in trouble that requires more? I’m fucked, or fucked up.
And for the “you don’t need a gun” haters, I’ve encountered bears, panthers and gators. I’ve also encountered far more worrying animals.
I’ve woken up with a black bear in my bedroom. Poor bastard ended up in my closet. I had to get my dog into the bathroom across the hall and then coax the bear out using a fucking broom like gramma. It was a young male, or large juvenile. Probably around 400lbs or so. Too big to fit inside the dog door.
My buddy that was sleeping on the couch had got home from the bar and left the front door open. Apparently the bear had worked out the screen door. I dunno what he was looking for but he drove my dog absolutely ape shit. I was worried more for my dog getting a defensive swipe than anything else. Only injuries I received were a scratch and nip from my scared dog that I had to collar to get into the bathroom.
Don’t use the good filters though. Filters don’t usually clog with particulate, it’s usually all the water vapor from your breath. They get moldy.
The cheapest filters also restrict the most airflow. So for best results buy the crappiest filters that will fit in the mask. Leave them out in the open in a cool dry place to outgas and then they should last a month or so for training.
(I know it’s a joke!)
I’m wearing a version of that shirt now. About to go hiking.
How the hell these boys think about body armor?! If you want it, practice with it, I got no beef. But fuck me. A gas mask and extra filters would be far more practical for SHTF (shit hits the fan) scenarios.
For those not in the know, the lower half is rigged for 8x, 30-round rifle mags. Top half, can’t say exactly, 4x pistol mags? I carry a shit knife, monocular and compass up front. Use those daily.
I walk the neighborhood woods with 20lbs. of gear (largely beer!), got first-aid/emergency gear out the ass (because I’m usually alone). But for a fire fight? Whatever pistol I’ve been proficient with lately (and works at night) and an extra mag. I usually carry 16-26 shots. If I’m in trouble that requires more? I’m fucked, or fucked up.
And for the “you don’t need a gun” haters, I’ve encountered bears, panthers and gators. I’ve also encountered far more worrying animals.
What’s for more worrying? Like the most dangerous game or rabies?
Was that bear in fact coming right for you?
I’ve had one wander in my dog door. How about you?
There’s nothing in the woods that scares me, but plenty that warrants caution.
I’ve woken up with a black bear in my bedroom. Poor bastard ended up in my closet. I had to get my dog into the bathroom across the hall and then coax the bear out using a fucking broom like gramma. It was a young male, or large juvenile. Probably around 400lbs or so. Too big to fit inside the dog door.
My buddy that was sleeping on the couch had got home from the bar and left the front door open. Apparently the bear had worked out the screen door. I dunno what he was looking for but he drove my dog absolutely ape shit. I was worried more for my dog getting a defensive swipe than anything else. Only injuries I received were a scratch and nip from my scared dog that I had to collar to get into the bathroom.
Exercise while wearing a gas mask is how you build strong lungs
Don’t use the good filters though. Filters don’t usually clog with particulate, it’s usually all the water vapor from your breath. They get moldy.
The cheapest filters also restrict the most airflow. So for best results buy the crappiest filters that will fit in the mask. Leave them out in the open in a cool dry place to outgas and then they should last a month or so for training.
You are correct, horse_battery_staple