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Why do some people have to bring american politics into every debate? Its not the center of the universe
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Jews defending their one nation, from an ongoing onslaught of Arab Islamic invasion, rape, murder, peppered by supporting Persian missile attacks from almost every nation which surrounds it (except the one who’ve decided that allowing Jews to live in peace is the smarter way). The “Palestinians” still have hundreds of Israeli kidnap victims held hostage in Gaza. And still, they will not give up the hostages, and still they give cover to their terrorists in Hamas. The UN rapporteur is a godawful antisemite. Am YIsrael Chai.
Zionism is a settler colonialism project that was able to really start with the support of British Imperialism. Zionism as a political movement started with Theodore Herzl in the 1880s as a ‘modern’ way to ‘solve’ the ‘Jewish Question’ of Europe. Western Nations supported this instead of instituting legal protections and refuge for Jewish people fleeing persecution.
Adi Callai, an Israeli, does a great analysis of how Antisemitism has been weaponized by Zionism during its history.
No Ethnostate has a right to exist. The right way to tackle the rampant antisemitism in Europe would have been (and still is) to enshrine protections that guarantee civil rights to Jewish people and not limit the amount of refugees seeking asylum.
Herzl himself explicitly considered Zionism a Settler Colonialist project, Setter Colonialism is always violent. The difficulty in creating a democratic Jewish state in an area inhabited by people who are not Jewish, is that enough Palestinian people need to be ‘Transferred’ to have a demographic majority that is Jewish. Ben-Gurion explicitly rejected Secular Bi-national state solutions in favor of partition.
Zionism’s aims in Palestine, its deeply-held conviction that the Land of Israel belonged exclusively to the Jewish people as a whole, and the idea of Palestine’s “civilizational barrenness" or “emptiness” against the background of European imperialist ideologies all converged in the logical conclusion that the native population should make way for thenewcomers.
The idea that the Palestinian Arabs must find a place for themselves elsewhere was articulated early on. Indeed, the founder of the movement, Theodor Herzl, provided an early reference to transfer even before he formally outlined his theory of Zionist rebirth in his Judenstat.
An 1895 entry in his diary provides in embryonic form many of the elements that were to be demonstrated repeatedly in the Zionist quest for solutions to the “Arab problem ”-the idea of dealing with state governments over the heads of the indigenous population, Jewish acquisition of property that would be inalienable, “Hebrew Land" and “Hebrew Labor,” and the removal of the native population.
10 myths of Israel by Ilan Pappe, summerized and full book
Transfer Committee and the JNF led to Forced Displacement of 100,000 Palestinians throughout the mandate.
Ethnic Cleansing
Peace Process and Solution
Both Hamas and Fatah have agreed to a Two-State solution based on the 1967 borders for decades. Oslo and Camp David were used by Israel to continue settlements in the West Bank and maintain an Apartheid, while preventing any actual Two-State solution
Hamas proposed a full prisoner swap as early as Oct 8th, and agreed to the US proposed UN Permanent Ceasefire Resolution. Additionally, Hamas has already agreed to no longer govern the Gaza Strip, as long as Palestinians receive liberation and a unified government can take place.
Oslo was used as a land grab while continuing to deny Palestinians human rights
(Oslo Accord Sources: MEE, NYT, Haaretz, AJ).
How Avi Shlaim moved from two-state solution to one-state solution
‘One state is a game changer’: A conversation with Ilan Pappe
Historian Works on the History
Palestine: A Four Thousand Year History - Nur Masalha
The Concept of Transfer 1882-1948 - Nur Masalha
A History of Modern Palestine - Ilan Pappe
The Hundred Years’ War on Palestine - Rashid Khalidi
The Ethnic Cleansing of Palestine - Ilan Pappe
The 1967 Arab-Israeli War: Origins and Consequences - Avi Shlaim
The Biggest Prison on Earth: A History of the Occupied Territories - Ilan Pappe
The Gaza Strip: The Political Economy of De-development - Sara Roy
10 Myths About Israel - Ilan Pappe (summery)
The existence of Hamas, and any armed resistance movement, is directly due to the decades of violence experienced daily under the permanent occupation, the Apartheid State, of Israel. It’s impossible to understand their existence if you don’t understand the lived experience and material conditions they are forced to live under. There is no such thing as a perfect victim when it comes to anti-Colonialist resistance, not for the Vietcong, the IRA, or the ANC either. Can you condemn the violence of the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising in the same way as the violence of the Warsaw Ghetto?
In the Shadow of the Holocaust by Masha Gessen, the situation in Gaza is compared to the Warsaw Ghettos. The comparison was also made by a Palestinian poet who was later killed by an Israeli airstrike. Adi Callai has also written on the parallels in his article The Gaza Ghetto Uprising and expanded upon in his corresponding video
All great points and I don’t intend to get into any of the Israel/Palestine portion, but was interested in the statement that no ethnistate has a right to exist? Since there are many defacto ethnostates around the world, like Japan and China as easy examples, are you saying that these countries do not have a right to “exist” by setting immigration and other state policy to remain mostly homogeneous?
If not, what authority exists to declare and further to enforce this non-right. Is this belief about ethnostates coming from a free movement viewpoint against national/international borders, or a viewpoint that any mono-ethnic state is inherently racist, or something else?
I am not attempting to be contrarian or anything, I am genuinely interested in the thought process. I don’t think ethnostates are any kind of ideal or anything to aspire to, but also don’t see how I can say any other country doesn’t have a right to exist as the people of that country desire it to.
I agree that Japan and China certainly were in their imperial past, but not really now. Although to be clear, there is certainly still racism and xenophobia to various degrees. The main difference between a country that is largely a certain ethnicity and an Ethnostate is most fundamentally Supremacy. With that in mind, it’s clear how Israel, Nazi Germany, Apartheid South Africa, Imperial Japan, and Chattel Slavery America would all stand out as Ethnostates
I am also a strong supporter of removing barriers to immigration globally and internationalism, but that’s separate from whether a country is an Ethnostate or not. Supremacy and dehumanization on a state level are key to that. ISIS and many Evangelical Christians in America also desire their own respective Ethnostates. People have a right to exist, the supremacy and dehumanization of an Ethnostate is directly at odds with that by way of ethnic cleansing.
Supremacy is a better marker than say, Nationalism, because the nationalism of anti-colonialist movements are not the same as ones of colonialist movements.