The same method is used to determine market cap of publically traded companies. Whatever the most recent trade price was * total number of shares = what the company is supposedly worth.
Non-rigged markets tend to also require a minimum trade volume, restrict insider trading, and keep a close watch to prevent pump-and-dump and similar scams.
Clean, open markets are regulated. That’s why the scammers to go the crypto markets: they’re opaque, rigged, and free of those inconvenient fraud-prevention rules
I read your comment, thought it’s impossible that you’re right, and took a beat to verify. You’re entirely correct. Crypto truly is this stupid.
The same method is used to determine market cap of publically traded companies. Whatever the most recent trade price was * total number of shares = what the company is supposedly worth.
Non-rigged markets tend to also require a minimum trade volume, restrict insider trading, and keep a close watch to prevent pump-and-dump and similar scams.
Clean, open markets are regulated. That’s why the scammers to go the crypto markets: they’re opaque, rigged, and free of those inconvenient fraud-prevention rules