Dad was a programmer on IBM 700/7000 series. He always slashed the letter O. Years later in programming people were slashing zeroes and I was mighty confused. Some greybeard explained it eventually.
Well it was someone else who spent most of their career with FØRTRAN punchcards. By the time I was learning BASIC in the 1980s it had moved to the zero.
Dad was a programmer on IBM 700/7000 series. He always slashed the letter O. Years later in programming people were slashing zeroes and I was mighty confused. Some greybeard explained it eventually.
As someone who slashes their zeroes, ouch.
edit: what was that meant to do
Well it was someone else who spent most of their career with FØRTRAN punchcards. By the time I was learning BASIC in the 1980s it had moved to the zero.