I’d like to thank everyone for my most upvoted post on lemmy ever. Not only have you upvoted it to the top for like 2 days you commented the shit out of it. I’d like to take this opportunity to say fuck the mods of this instance. This was my second post coming off a 30 day ban and I want to say these fucking mods have been nothing but bitches. I’ve never been more attacked on any other instance, subreddit, forum, etc. then I have been in this fucking instance. Not only have I been attacked I’ve been told my memes arent memey enough again and again.
I’ll be honest, I do not know how to make a meme but I keep posting just to piss in these mods cheerios.
Thanks lemmy.world/politicalmemes for being the worst community I’ve ever been a part of.
What a joke
Bro isnt this why you have a second amendment?
Yes it is. But unless YOU personally are willing to risk death, then it means little. The magas seem reasonably content at the moment. And progressives aren’t willing to give up the comforts of life either. Nor are they actually interested in getting their hands dirty by running for any office either. They mostly prefer to whinge on line rather than do much beyond complaints and yard signs.
If and when people are homeless and starving and believe they have no other alternative, then they might pick up a gun. But that point in time isn’t here yet.
they’re too busy yapping on lemmy about how some shit fuck stuff happened and now the sky is falling to actually do anything about it.
Some of them think they can remove their new fascist overlords at the ballot box too. Lol.
that is how democracy is supposed to work, as it has historically worked. If it no longer proceeds to do that, by all means you have my permission to go start a rebellion or whatever.
Yes. But the Dems decided that was bad and convinced most of their demographic to disarm themselves.
So now 90% of the guns are in the hands of the fascists.
i think the majority of most democrats would be in favor of self defense weapons being legal to own.
We’re mostly against complete idiots having access to dangerous weapons.
So which is it? You can’t have guns and not have them be accessible to people at the same time.
Whether a gun is good or bad depends on timing and perspective. All else being equal, a gun at home is way more likely to kill a member of the household than an assailant. But things aren’t always equal.
I live alone, and don’t have kids over. I ain’t killing myself, and I have decades of experience in firearm safety. So the odds of someone in my household getting hurt by my guns are very low. At the same time, I do live in an area with 40+ minute police response time, so if there is a violent situation, I’m on my own. Guns increase my safety.
But someone with no training, small kids in the house, and in a safe area isn’t in the same situation, and firearms make them less-safe.
it’s both? You live in the same world i do right? Like we both have the same level of intelligence and critical thinking right? You can let people own guns legally, as weapons of self defense, while also preventing people who are a danger to society and other people, from owning them as well. We’re clearly struggling with the second part, and the republican gun movement isn’t doing much to improve that look either.
literally no? Whether or not a gun is good depends solely on whether or not it positively influenced your outcome in life. Murdering someone is obviously bad, and is going to have a bad outcome for you, using it to protect yourself against someone in a situation where you may have been killed, is obviously a good thing for you.
Timing and perspective is just what LEADS to these situations, but doesn’t actually denote any significant quality.
due to domestic violence? I’m guessing responsible gun owners aren’t just randomly shooting their family members and pets randomly. Unless you’re referring to some sort of like, schizophrenic safety metric where if your house is on a native indian burial site you’re 3x more likely to get cancer and fucking die. In which case, that’s due to an individuals inherent incompatibility with life, not due to any fault of the gun or the gun owner. (unless they were negligent)
exactly, the best kind of person to own a gun. Whether or not you have a family doesn’t significantly change that statistic, unless you don’t responsibly store them, or educate your family on them, or i guess you randomly decided to kill everyone in your house one day.
not necessarily, but that is a significantly increased risk for that gun owner. It’s like arguing that owning a power tool is dangerous to your entire family, and neighbors, simply because someone could get hurt by it. Which IS true, it’s just not a real statistic that people actually view.
The thing is, we can’t control for who is bad most of the time. People get murdered with guns every day, and it’s all by people who passed background checks or who acquired them by buying them on a secondary market.
this is true, but i don’t these people not owning guns would stop them from doing harm. Unless we’re talking like the 0.01% chance of your SO literally walking into your room, shooting you point blank with a 12ga and walking out and surrendering to the police instantly, which basically never happens.
People don’t just wake up and start hurting people. That’s just not how it works. Maybe an accident, but you would have to be either extremely negligent or extremely stupid to end up hurting someone, and most likely, it’ll be you. (because you’re the one maintaining it)
again, falling back to the power tools argument, or basically any other potentially dangerous object, anything is dangerous if you stare at it long enough.
Statistics don’t support that notion especially considering the typical demographics of the fastest growing groups of new gun owners being dominanted by POC. Its just that violence without coordination and organization will be called terrorism and they may just kill you on the spot for that regardless. See Willem Von Spronsen and Luigi Mangione.
Let’s be real, the issue is that a lot of people agree with what Trump does.
It’s very impressive how everything you do or don’t do is Dems fault. You would think with this amount of shadow leverage over the public they are actually in control, eh?
Yeah it aint the fault of the dems on the disarmament bullshit, its the fault of the fucking suburban yuppies. I will burn it all.
Aight spiteful Redneck statement out of my system. There are worse yuppies now anyways like the ones out in Palm Springs ugh.
We gotta wait for the people with all the guns to feel the pinch.
Guns and ammo are available in pretty much every city in America, just throwing it out there.
You would be suprised. This topic has crossed my circles, every firearms introduction and saftey class within 30 miles is sold out till april. Unless you have a friend who is willing teach you the basics and how to use them safely, you just got to wait in line.