All of this is incredibly impressive. I don’t own my own place yet or have a car, but I’m hoping to buy an electric vehicle in the next couple of years and then find an apartment. I’ll be chuffed myself if I accomplish even a quarter of what you’ve just described. You say it’s worthless - it has inspired me. Years from now maybe I’ll describe my setup and inspire another, and you’ll have played a part in that.
If possible don’t buy a car. Cars, even electric ones, have a huge environmental cost. It’s not always possible but we should be using public transportation and bicycles way more than we use cars.
I’ll be buying a second hand electric car and it will afford me a great deal of independence that public transport cannot. And when I can use public transport, I will.
I’m glad that it has inspired you, but when I say it’s worthless I mean that honestly even if a majority of people did everything I’ve done it would still barely make a dent. The major polluters are not people that is just a lie that’s been sold to us the major polluters are major corporations. It’s nice living more sustainably I genuinely find many of these changes to be nicer than what I had before them I think they can be used to improve one’s life when done correctly. But in terms of helping the climate change process? Despite everything I’ve done I’m still a Doomer because I know that the people can’t fix it
All of this is incredibly impressive. I don’t own my own place yet or have a car, but I’m hoping to buy an electric vehicle in the next couple of years and then find an apartment. I’ll be chuffed myself if I accomplish even a quarter of what you’ve just described. You say it’s worthless - it has inspired me. Years from now maybe I’ll describe my setup and inspire another, and you’ll have played a part in that.
If possible don’t buy a car. Cars, even electric ones, have a huge environmental cost. It’s not always possible but we should be using public transportation and bicycles way more than we use cars.
I’ll be buying a second hand electric car and it will afford me a great deal of independence that public transport cannot. And when I can use public transport, I will.
I’m glad that it has inspired you, but when I say it’s worthless I mean that honestly even if a majority of people did everything I’ve done it would still barely make a dent. The major polluters are not people that is just a lie that’s been sold to us the major polluters are major corporations. It’s nice living more sustainably I genuinely find many of these changes to be nicer than what I had before them I think they can be used to improve one’s life when done correctly. But in terms of helping the climate change process? Despite everything I’ve done I’m still a Doomer because I know that the people can’t fix it