Trump’s soul mate. Baroness Harkonnen.
The eyes say “Immortan Joe”
I was going to start signing “Hungry Eyes” but she might take it as a call to a buffet.
I just told my little daughters that if they didn’t stop fighting and go to sleep I’m bringing this woman to see them.
The sad little chorus of “nooooooooo” could have been a hit short.
Couldn’t take my eyes off her. KFC should hire her for advertising. I can get the smell of want off her from the far side of the Atlantic.
Same generation… Just sayin
That woman in red licking her lips really wants to change that diaper
They already exchanged winks. You know what’s happening later!
The orange wrapper means that cheese is gonna be the oldest and stinkiest variety.
The ol’ Camembert '69.
They’ll both need new dentures after tonight!
Can we pay you to go back to reddit?
Looks like Erna Solberg
Ever notice MAGA are so unoriginal that they all look the same? The whole lot of them have minmaxed their looks to a preposterous degree. All the women look like the same bleached blonde red lipped Karen tradwife and all the men look like the same chubby bearded Rayban trucker hat wearing assholes.
I’ll have to see if I can find the video again, but I saw someone do a really interesting analysis on why this happens. The central idea was that it’s due to a whole ideology based on conformity. Everyone converges on the same “look” not necessarily because they even like it (though many of the choices do clearly represent a white cishet ideal) but because they hate the “alternatives”. For example, “creative” hair colors and makeup are things people do to try to be more individual, which is why these women paint those choices as “tacky” or marks of being an “evil lib” etc. Their fashion choices are self-limiting by design.
Which is hilarious, because all of their fashion choices in this picture are pretty tacky grandma fashion choices. Merriam Webster puts it perfectly:
"Marked by a cheap showiness: GAUDY.
Marked by a lack of style: DOWDY."
The loud clashing patterns, unflattering large hairstyles, and huge statement costume jewelry are basically that to a T.
If this is maxing their looks then that gene pool was utterly fucked to begin with.
There are not that many adult blondes, the whole idea of that being proper hair freaks me out. I had a kid switch from gymnastics to diving, and all the clubs with dive coaches were in the suburbs. Suddenly I am sitting among all these blonde ladies, what the fuck? ALL of them got their hair bleached and blown out straight, all of them. Some fucking Stepford wife shit.
These people vote and are politically active. Are you?
No, people who were supposed to vote democrat decided to abstain to show them!
What a terrible day to have eyes.
So, is that a murder of Karens or a deportation of Karens?
I vote for a complaint if Karens
A Bleach Blonde Bad Built Bitch Bonanza.
A full potato salad of Karens
Is top right just Bautista in a wig?
Lmao I don’t think he swings that way (nazi). I’m pretty sure Dave Bautista is a chill guy. I’m going to go look this up now though.
Yeah, he’s an active democrat supporter, and according to wikipedia:
“He once had a tattoo of a meteor on his arm, a logo associated with former friend Manny Pacquiao, but had it covered up with a sugar skull design after Pacquiao made homophobic remarks.”
I have a modicum of respect for Bautista navigating away from the “muscle man” archetype into a more complex actor.
Dave Bautista is firmly anti Trump
Red dress Bachelorette #5’s tongue promises everything, and her eyes promise he will not escape it.
I can smell the overpowering powdery perfume from this picture.
All with trump’s unmistakable fetid, fecal note under it.
Sorry, I thought it then needed to spread the nausiating olfactory mental image.
I almost asked why that generation loves platinum blonde so much
You can just “feel” the stupid radiating off of them.
- Name them!
- Vote for scariest 😱
- Mary
- Merry
- Cheri
- Meri
- Cherry
- Gorloff the Devourer
- Sheri
Give Me Orange Give Orange Me Give Eat Orange Me Eat Orange Give Me Eat Orange Give Me You
Spot on, but unfair to Nim
She might be our one last hope; I don’t think TFG would survive the night with her!
Let Gorloff feast!
Where’s Roa-ber-ta?
That’s a good one. Was also thinking of 6 different ways to spell “Karen”
2 is transvestite Michael J. Fox.
- Meredith (pronounced Meeerdith)
- Nancy
- Patricia
- Lindsay
- Susanne
- Dolores
- Indira (parents were hippies)
Number 4 is the scariest of them all.
- Priscilla
- Patricia
- Marta
- Nelida
- Betty
- Dirty
- Yes h e is right you know
Scariest for me, most close and deeply committed racist no brain psycho
Only one of them has a natural smile
There’s only because she doesn’t understand where she is.