I am of the opinion that no one should be vandalizing property that they don’t own themselves. Protest, sure (following whatever laws Canada has in place for that), don’t buy a Tesla, sure, encourage everyone you’ve ever met not to buy one, fine, but please respect the right of people who don’t want their stuff vandalized.
Also, while dealerships have insurance, doing this just makes the insurance go up for everyone. But that’s not my point. People shouldn’t vandalize the property of others because they really, really, really x5, don’t like Elon.
I’m not an Elon or Trump apologist, I’m just someone fighting on the side of civilized behavior.
Largest case of insurance fraud from an automaker**
The damage included “deep scratches and punctured tires.”
That’s it? Y’all Canadians are so polite.
Is Tesla sabotaging their own cars in order to commit insurance fraud?
American here, careful Canadians you’re walking on thin ice. We’re about to beg for your eggs while kneeling rather than grovelling on the floor. I’m fucking serious, we won’t pay a dime more than $1 per egg. Pretty please. This is your last warning.
Aura Carreño Rosas is a Hamilton-based reporter from Venezuela, with a passion for pop culture and unique people with diverse journeys.
What??? A Venezuelan who hasn’t been rounded up, deported and slung into in a third world concentration camp without even the pretense of due process?!?
Come on Canadia, is that really the kind of country you want to live in???
Dumb ass American here. Does Canada’s prime minister or some other official have the same kind of pardon power our president does? Because they could do something pretty cool right now.
hell yeah
Awe shucks. I could not stoop to vandalism and destruction of the shitty neo-Nazi BEVs. I would prefer the vehicles to be unsold and collect dust until Tesla enters bankruptcy. Tesla, himself, must have flipped in his grave several times.
Nah. Tesla would be alternating in his grave.
Oh noes
Surely you mean “terrorism”!
Public service.
Not all that surprising that Canadians are especially pissed off. Didn’t he say Canada isn’t a real country and then he deleted the Tweet afterwards? Yes he did…
Teslas are not real cars
Wow. He actually deleted a Tweet? He usually stands by all the stupid shit he’s said, proudly at that.
Of course he would have deleted it, so nice capture! And thanks for sharing. What a loser manchild -Elon
South Park did it first
The entire point of the “blame Canada” joke is that it’s making fun of people who tried to blame their own problems on something that had nothing to do with the underlying cause for those problems.
In the song Kenny’s parents literally say “should we blame the matches, or should we blame the fire, or the doctors who allowed him to expire? no blame Canada!”
The final verse really drives the nail home just in case anyone in the audience somehow didn’t get it:
Blame Canada
Shame on Canada
For the smut we must stop, the trash we must smash
The laughter and fun must all be undone
We must blame them and cause a fuss
Before somebody thinks of blaming us!
It’s believed to be the largest vandalism in Canada against vehicles from the U.S.-based car company.
This strikes me as an odd qualifier.
Have there been larger vandalism incidents in Canada against vehicles from companies based in countries outsides the states?
Not larger no, that’s what they are saying… I get you though but no… Had there been similar or close to this? Dunno … This language is just coming from the US admin to make it seem like an attack the us. Rather than on Elon musk himself and his values and actions, which it is.
Maybe your question should have been ‘have there been ANY’ valdalism incidents… Before now
Burn it all down! Every thing that fascist fuck has!
We need anonymous to dismantle Twitter and plummet it all so it can be amongst all the other apps that went to the grave.
From Twitter’s “Fail Whale” to X’s “Fash Crash”. Make it happen, Anonymous!
If the bots and toxicity haven’t killed it, I don’t know what we could even do at this point.
Ugh you are correct, I just wish there was a way to send a virus or something towards the bots. There has to be a way to dismantle them permanently.
Those are rookie numbers, we need to get them higher!