• AzureInfinity@leminal.space
    10 months ago

    AI that designs a room-temp superconductor,quantum CPU,some new chemical that allows cheap/easy solar panel construction, water desalination method/materials,new drugs/compounds,etc. The most important areas are fundamental physics/chemistry/material inventions, if those could be brute-forced by AI search/filtering.

    The next area where i think we could replace dangerous jobs with finer robotics: Currently the robot AI is too primitive for fine movement and precise grasping, but imagine automating everything from chemical experiments to nuclear reactor repair with micron-level precision.

    A third area: AI could reinvent software testing/debugging, instead of “debugging” some AI module could trace every error and provide clues as to what happening, no more chasing stack traces and adding print to every single line. I can envision 99% of manual debugging drudgery can be automated, even crash analysis. AI doesn’t have to understand code or to write it, just understand the control flow and what is currently executing. AI-generated fuzzing, unit tests and automated cross-platform testing, instead of arcane scripts that break every second release and have to be fixed for each new features, it could be unified into some AI service that recognizes unique requirements and run automatic tests/analysis tailor-made for the target code.

    On the creative side, i hope the content generation will stop being so energy-wasteful and slow, i don’t want to buy graphics cards for this but it seems every neural network/image generator even simple upscaling apps and voice generators require a NVIDIA card(AMD seem to have problems).