• streetfestival@lemmy.ca
    9 months ago

    This is an interesting reflection point for me. When so few people in positions of power have spoken out about what’s happening in Gaza, ‘just’ speaking out about something - particularly by those in power - has never seemed so important, of value, and inspiring to me. I don’t know if this is the first time that the Pope has spoken out about this since Oct 7th, but I’m pleased that he has now in his Christmas Message. I note that this story appeared in Al Jazeera - let’s see how many North American papers publish it.

    “May it [peace] come in Israel and Palestine, where war is devastating the lives of those peoples. I embrace them all, particularly the Christian communities of Gaza and the entire Holy Land,” Francis said.

    “I plead for an end to the military operations with their appalling harvest of innocent civilian victims, and call for a solution to the desperate humanitarian situation by an opening to the provision of humanitarian aid,” he said.

    The Vatican, which has diplomatic relations with both Israel and the Palestinian Authority, believes a two-state solution is the only answer to the long-running conflict. Francis called for “persevering dialogue between the parties, sustained by strong political will and the support of the international community”.

    Dedicating an entire paragraph of his message to the weapons trade, Francis said: “And how can we even speak of peace, when arms production, sales and trade are on the rise?” He called for more investigation of the armaments trade. “It should be talked about and written about, so as to bring to light the interests and the profits that move the puppet strings of war,” he said.

  • Cosmoooooooo@lemmy.world
    10 months ago

    His own priests don’t listen to him. Screw the pope, he’s just a spokesman for the Public Relations department of a multi-billion dollar corporation/religion.