I understand your experience and have had it myself. It’s also highly dependent on the model you use. The most recent ChatGPT4.5 for instance, is pretty good at providing citations. The tech is being developed fast.
I understand your experience and have had it myself. It’s also highly dependent on the model you use. The most recent ChatGPT4.5 for instance, is pretty good at providing citations. The tech is being developed fast.
You shouldn’t use them to keep up with the news. They make that option available because it’s wanted, but they shouldn’t.
It should only be used to research older data from its original dataset, perhaps adding to it a bit with newer knowledge if you’re a specialist in the field.
When you ask the right questions in the right way, you’ll get the right answers, or at least mostly - and you should always check the sources after. But it’s a specialists tool at this time. And most people are not specialists.
So this whole “Fuck AI” movement is actually pretty damn stupid. It’s good to point out its flaws, try and make people aware and help guide it better into the future.
But it’s actually useful, and not going away. You’re just using it wrong, and as the tech progresses, ways to use it wrong will decrease. You can’t stop progress, humanity will always come with new things, evolution is designed that way.
Ah cool hang on, just let me get some snacks and a drink before we get in to it.
Ha! I wish.
You people still get into arguments online? Discussions, sure… but arguments? o.O
European indeed. I can imagine that wizards on other continents have less pleasurable experiences.
I’m sorry, but that does not really fit the definition of healthy. I will accept the down votes graciously.
That’s literally insane to me. Fortunately we understand mental health better these days.
Yeah, that was a bit too much. It’s good to keep it nice but colorful language is called that for a reason, life is more beautiful with color.
If the walls could speak though…
This is a holy shitpost, I’m actually annoyed. Good job!
But we do have information, and knowledge is power. Money is an intermediary.
Literally all of them except size of military.
There is nothing wrong with paying taxes when you’re part of a society. You use the amenities, so you pay your part.
Stop acting like it’s something bad. True wizards know living alone isn’t fun, nor wise.
Couldn’t have said it better.
This means they don’t really process the world around them. They see and live in it, but don’t feel it. It’s a sensitivity/intelligence thing. Must be a lovely life, it’s much easier. Every rose has its thorns.
Maybe he did try, but he didn’t understand his hidden desire to kill himself and everyone. It’s in all of us, but we should always strive to suppress it.
Turns out isolationist culture doesn’t stand the test of time. Who knew?
And then there was ADD brain. If only…