• 2 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 26th, 2023


  • SCOTUS can’t do shit for state charges. Doesn’t mean they won’t try.

    However, His legal team will argue literally any punishment is too harsh and appeal the NY state charges, which will be granted because he was a president and has money. Then it will be delayed past the election and not matter anyway because this system is not made to resist willful destruction by those entrusted to protect it.

    Edit: Turns out they can. The NY prosecution has agreed to postpone charges less than a day after the ruling. Trump’s ream asserts that the criminal activities occurred before he was president, but since the evidence was gathered during, he can not be prosecuted. Apparently concealing evidence unrelated to the presidency is an official act…

  • I agree with you. My thinking is, as a politically active person who is around politically active people from all over the spectrum, that no one has really heard from Trump in the past 3 years, besides the ones that wanted too. I’ve heard his voice maybe 10 times? Heard about him, of course, but not from him.

    While the debate was an absolute shitshow, Trump was Trump. He reminded everyone for 90 minutes what it was like to have him in every room, on every channel, at every dinner table, and in every conversation. Undecideds are who they are, but they didn’t like that in 2020 when they voted for Biden. People’s memories are short and I think they forgot how terrible he was.

  • Cabinet and federal appointments are the big thing. That’s why I’ll take Biden over Trump. I’m not just voting for him, I’m voting for the 4000 jobs in energy, health, labor, transportation, etc. to be run by Democrats, liberals, and qualified people.

    Trump, and project 2025 plan to fill all those roles with right wing nutjobs who will do anything to please the right. On top of those 4000, they’d expand the presidential appointment power to fire up to 45% of the federal workforce. Meteorologist who said the hurricane won’t hit Alabama? GONE! Doctor who said injecting bleach was a bad idea? FIRED!

    I’ll take anyone who won’t put Project 2025 in motion.

  • Freeze your credit on all three bureaus. IIRC it is free for all of them, just don’t get tricked into enrolling in their credit monitoring service. You’re there to freeze and unfreeze your credit, nothing more. From then on, any time you apply for something that requires a credit check, you need to go thaw each credit bureau temporarily. They all let you schedule thaws, so just open it for a day, apply. And close it back up. Or however long your credit check takes.

    The premium service offered by these data breaches is pretty terrible. In some cases, they’ll have a clause that says if you accept, you can’t sue or be part of a class action suit. If you have a credit card with monitoring included, they will notify you way faster if your credit is run. My credit card companies email me within minutes of an application being submitted. The paid service I got from a breach years ago doesn’t let me know till about a week later.

  • Some polls back up this analysis. A Quinnipiac survey shows Kennedy getting 13 percent of the vote; he has support from 9 percent of Democrats, 8 percent of Republicans and 20 percent of independents. The poll shows Biden leading Trump by three points in a head-to-head matchup but Trump ahead by one point when third-party candidates are included. Though both numbers are within the poll’s margin of error, they suggest that Trump could benefit if the election isn’t seen as a binary choice.

    However, other polls show Kennedy pulling more voters from Trump, and the truth is no one knows how the election will ultimately shake out. “The public polling, if you dig into it, can be really head-swiveling,” said Smith. “It’s very hard to gauge the impact, but it does seem like he pulls from both, and right now — emphasis on ‘right now’ — slightly more from Biden.”

    Kennedy certainly has no qualms about spoiling the election for Trump. On CNN on Monday, he argued that Biden poses a “much worse” threat to democracy than Trump because of the Biden administration’s attempts to get social media companies to remove vaccine misinformation, much of it spread by Kennedy

    I really don’t see how a pro-Israel, against any ceasefire agreement, candidate that also believes the free market will fix climate change stands to gain more support from former Biden voters than former Trump voters.