It’s because millionaires can leave easily at any time, so they don’t care.
It’s because millionaires can leave easily at any time, so they don’t care.
People who don’t understand what Ukraine is doing are priviledged and their culture has never had to fight an oppressor or they won long ago and their people simply forgot what it was like to fight to survive.
My people were invaded, genocided and attempts were made to assimilate us after genocide attempts failed. Our patriots fought back for many years, but ultimately lost. Know what the oppressors called our patriots? The old way of calling your victim a “terrorist” for fighting back: A traitor to the crown (you can guess which nation did this to us now). Our patriots were hung in mass and anyone that believed in the cause and rebelled were also hung. Our patriots had killed many soldiers and civilians in the attempts to free our people from the invading nation. It was unavoidable and a necessary sacrifice to make for the cause in their minds. Today, we have a holiday in their honour, as our people ended up surviving the genocide and assimilation attempts and we didn’t forget their efforts to free us.
Death is part of war and a victim of oppression is allowed to defend themselves from being genocided. The struggles to survive don’t just happen within people’s rose tinted glasses. I’m tired of the priviledged trying to control the narrative of what is “right” or “wrong” for a nation to do in response to being genocided.
To be fair, the butter one always slaps, even when “failed”.
Eau, Oui, Ouie, Oie,
This would work really well for a French round!
That is not how it “basically works” where I live; doctors don’t care about what I do for a living or how much money I have, they just treat me like everyone else. The triage is by priority (as in emergency and compatibility of the organ). If they used AI, it wouldn’t be for the choice itself, but for keeping track of the waiting list. The AI itself choosing based on criteria like age, sex, race, work or culture would be unethical.
Yep, basically. How it’s gonna go: instead of basing the transplant triage on morals, priority and the respect of human life as being priceless and equal, the AI will base it on your occupation within society, age, sex and how much money you make for the rich overlords if you recover. Fuck that noise.
I’ll look it up, thank you!
I’m so tired of AI and bots, man. The mainstream internet is run by bots for bots, at this point. Just looking at a YouTube comment section makes me realize 85% (at least) of the comments are political propaganda/disinformation bots and crypto/money scammers.
Right now, you can tell who is a bot or not by AI generated or Pr0n looking profile pics, copy pasta tactics and the age of the accounts (with comment history and how many comments they typed or spammed), but eventually it’ll all blend together into a moshpit of bots posing as people, that all “think” and say the exact same thing about every topic imaginable so that the actual human beings reading won’t notice the rich are trying to influence them to think a certain way to influence politics. Fk that.
I need alternatives to YouTube, btw, if anyone knows any that aren’t supported by Nazis and can tell me, I’d appreciate it a bunch!
😂 I’m stealing that lmao
Respectfully 😇
It’s a funny meme, rooted in reality for some communities, due to their conservatism or beliefs.
You can’t even be a centrist on Reddit anymore and point stuff out about left and right policies and attitudes. You can be a full on Nazi or full on Communist, though. It’s quite tragic.
Reddit is also banning and warning people for UPVOTING “violent” comments (or what they now consider violent and somehow right wing subs don’t get the same censorship applied; or we’d see them bitch about it). It’s now a dystopia.
Scientist already have proven there’s no advantage and were testing athletes in sports for hormone levels, muscle atrophy and bone mass loss that happen when on HRT (which is why even the most famous trans women never dominated year after year, because the tests showed they were at normal female levels)… Peer reviewed scientists > you and your biased sources
Yeah, because French Canadians being genocided and force assimilated didn’t count, apparently.
For those who didn’t know, yes genocide was attempted and yes force assimilation was attempted. Many died. We survived in the end, but a lot of blood was shed. I don’t really expect Americans to know this. Some barely know Canada has a French speaking population.