Why is breloom in there
Why is breloom in there
A son is a son until he gets a wife. A daughter’s a daughter for the rest of her life.
Do you just… grab one off the street?
But the scale isn’t the same. At all.
what are you even talking about you little weirdo? lol nobody is blaming anyone for anything, you’re just posting lies lmfao
I like being played with more.
Oh sorry different context
The science is brain dead.
Go try and have a garden I’m gonna throw trash and oil and shit from 62 different animals and we’ll see how your garden goes
Multiply it by more. Now also consider that trees absorb sunlight and we’re putting too much pavement down.
It’s fuckin brain dead
what a little ween thing to say
Bush won Florida from Roger Stone bullshit in 2000 and Trump tried similar shit to not lose on Jan 6. Republicans don’t do a fair and legal transfer of power we’ll see what happens
Yep he’s in office already why would he need them lmfao
Truth be told everyone is.
This idea of adults being grown ups and mature is bullshit. The most mature people I’ve ever interacted with are children. Adults have always been the most immature.
Why would you do that to yourself lol?
You’re asking for her to revenge fuck anyone that’ll crush your soul
already there baby ❤️
Just wait a year or two and it’ll be half the price or better
I just don’t really see anywhere in here a joke about transfolk, just about an old woman being ugly. I think the real joke is Austin is a bit insane I think this is soon after he’s thawed right?
Jimmy Carter was a fantastic president anyone who thinks otherwise is likely why we’re in this current situation, of any situation from Gaza to Trump to climate change
I don’t think that joke is very problematic. She’s not trans, he’s a spy. It’s more a joke about older women than anything