According to Zeit online he’s German and has been known for psychological issues.
According to Zeit online he’s German and has been known for psychological issues.
MI6 did the same stuff for years in Northern Ireland. Protecting known murderers because they were assets. Nothing new here.
Sorry to disappoint but with roughly 59.2 million people eligible to vote their 22% make for about 13 million votes.
Because a lot of idiots keep shooting fireworks even though the day they’re supposed to be used on has not yet come or has long passed. Here, they’re supposed for New Year’s Eve. The first one this autumn went off sometime in September. The last one usually goes off sometime in February. What are the zookeepers supposed to do?
But in Halle the only people who were murdered and injured by shots were Germans and Muslims. So, obviously, this movie is much worse! (/s)
This is not the stuff that happened in Amsterdam, this is an alleged incident that happened in Berlin and regards a youth football team.
We simply don’t know yet what happened here, the only information seems to be hearsay and until there’s verifiable information there shouldn’t be any judgement at all.
The Israeli prime minister, Benjamin Netanyahu, compared the incident in Amsterdam to Kristallnacht, the state-sanctioned pogrom in Nazi Germany in 1938 in which an estimated 91 Jews were murdered.>
So, can we compare the planned annexation of the West Bank to the Osterweiterung?
Just to make this abundantly clear: attacking people because of their religion, ethnicity or whatever is wrong. In any way. Hunting people because they are Jewish is awful and should never happen again. Committing a genocide especially after it happened to your own people, however, is never justified either.
Quite regularly, actually. We also extradite them illegally into countries that don’t think much about human rights
The suspect and a guy who was with him are known to police and belong to a group of people detonating ATM which is what TATP is often used for (according to German news) so it’s very likely this stuff wasn’t intended to attack people.
It wasn’t a bomb. There was no detonator. It was explosive material that can explode when you look at it the wrong way. There is no way to defuse it.
According to German news it was TATP which is extremely unstable so they detonated it in a safe place nearby to minimize the risk for everyone.
Or, and hear me out here, the current political climate scares people and those with psychological issues can be pushed over the edge more easily. This man has been known for issues like that according to Zeit online.