If you come into my home, you will see Nintendo memorbilia. Set up as a display of sorts. Theres amiibo, stuffed animals, pez dispensers, coins, ect ect ect.
Clearly I love the games, and the worlds that Nintendo puts out. I’m 41. I’ve loved these things since I was in diapers probably.
That being said…
Fuck you Nintendo! You court trolling, abusive legal bully! You treat the world like everybody owes you everything! We don’t owe you jack shit! You own Nintendo properties. Nothing more, you lawyer infestered shitbags!
I’m so confused. How would quoting someone’s words bully them? Maybe I’m not getting something. You’re talking like I say something on mastodon, you quote what I said, with me attributed to the quote, and that bullys me? Or am I missing something? I feel like I’m missing something.