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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 23rd, 2023

  • There were a number of people who had the legitimate and sanctioned need to access prohibited material (I was one of them). At the time (and even now) it is virtually impossible to open every website that someone might need to access. Personal use was allowed as long as it didn’t impact your work and was inside the guardrails. We tried using Websense back then and it’s was a disaster. Virtually everyone complied with policy. There were a very small number who didn’t and I was responsible for catching them.

  • I’ve never understood putting an “lol” or an “lmao” or an “rofl” in a message. Are you trying to suggest that you’re smarter than I am or that what I said wrong or stupid? Are you trying to intimidate me? That is definitely not what I take away from it.

    I react very much the same way Russians do to people smiling in photos.

  • There was a lot of violence and sexual violence, torture, and extreme bondage. Things like clamping that result in obvious injury are considered obscene in Canada. Menacing is considered obscene. There were also murder and suicide videos.

    The people who were fired weren’t fired because of what they were looking at but because they refused to acknowledge what they were doing. One guy who was looking at extremely violent porn said “Yes, it was me. I have a problem.” He got counselling and kept his job. A guy who was looking at violent bondage fought for weeks until I was able to correlate logs, password changes, MAC addresses, and door access logs to prove beyond any doubt that it was him. He was fired on the spot

  • I don’t hate the US. I love Canada. I understand that Canada is one of the best places in the world to live. Those who think they will be better in a country with less freedom, less rights, less safety, and a higher cost of living because they bought in to the right wing bullshit may very well be better off moving to the US. I know Canada will be better for it.

  • I love in Canada but have worked for US companies and worked internationally for 15 years. I would never, ever move to the US. Ever.

    My belief is that the people moving to the US are moving there for, “freedumb” (no realizing that Canadians enjoy more actual freedom and have better protection of their rights than Americans do) I’m more than ok with that.

  • Nice straw man. Typical propagandist.

    Cost of Living in United States is 8.6% higher than in Canada (without rent)

    Cost of Living Including Rent in United States is 14.1% higher than in Canada

    Rent Prices in United States are 26.0% higher than in Canada

    Restaurant Prices in United States are 8.7% higher than in Canada

    Groceries Prices in United States are 5.2% higher than in Canada

    But by all means, go on spreading your propaganda.

  • I was only looking at things coming in and going out through the corporate firewall. We were in a correctional environment so porn was prohibited. I was mostly interested in things that were illegal or dangerous. I dealt with anything that wasn’t criminal. Anything that wad criminal I referred up them responded to requests from the investigating officer when they came. I often got requests from managers to pull full histories and look for things that were outside of my remit like wasting time at work. I refused those requests and any that were overly broad. Once an investigator got to know me they figured out how to make requests that I would agree to fulfill.

  • Our work environment was pseudo legal, outside of the bounds of normal government office work. We were able to write our own policy, perform our own investigations, and even hold our own trials. I was involved in several disturbing investigations. A couple resulted in people getting fired.

    One of the things I liked was the fact that I was able to deal with people who were simply out of bounds. I could call them and say, “Hi. It’s MapleEngineer. I just chess to remind you that we can see everything you do online and that you have obligations under [policy]. There is nothing in writing and if we don’t talk again no one will ever find it about this conversation.” That solved 95% of the problems. 4.9 percent were handled by their manager if I saw them in the logs again. Very few results in formal investigations but I was never wrong.

  • Years ago I worked in IT policy enforcement. My job was to review what employees were doing on the internet that fell outside of what was permitted. We had automated systems that did most of the work but I was responsible for looking at exceptions. I would occasionally send my wife a note telling her that I was coming through to my home office and that no one should talk to me. I would retreat to my office and emerge when I had calmed down enough to interact with people.

    My boss told me when I started in the role that it was only possible to do it for so long before you needed to stop. He told me that I could raise my hand at any point and say, “I can’t do this anymore.” and he would take me off.

    I worked in corrections. The people I was watching were staff who worked directly with the offenders. I saw some truly fucked up stuff.

  • I don’t think anyone who knows me hates me. I’m pretty easy to get along with.


    That largely depends on who you talk to. Lots of people dislike my opinions.

    Christofascists, white supremacists, white nationalists, racists, anti-vaxers, neo-Nazis and Nazis, anti-choicers, anti-maskers, Covid deniers, vegan extremists, incels and incucks, Puritans, the US Taliban, magats and the anti-reality crowd, the convoyists, the Save-The-Children crowd and Queen Dildo and her ragtag band of morons, PETA, the rabid pro-gun I’m-terrified-of-everything-so-I-need-a-grenade-launcher-to-buy-donuts crowd, and others seem to dislike the things I say. Of course tankies, trans extremists, the anti-gun crowd, and others who hate the first group also dislike some of the things I say. Just about everyone who lives in an echo bunker dislikes the reality I speak.

    I say things that many people dislike but they tend to be the controlling-what-other-people-do mob and people who live in evil bunkers but generally I think I’m a good person and the people around me seem to think so too no matter where they lie on the political, religious, or social spectrum.