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Cake day: July 6th, 2023

  • If they’re trying to do an animated spin off of the live action Barbie movie they have grossly missed the point. People who saw the Barbie movie aren’t going to watch an animated movie to see if Ken is finally “kenough”. Honestly not sure why they wouldn’t stick to the animated movie prescription of promoting their latest line either. It’s a toy they can sell and frankly not all of those movies are even terrible. They’re not going to win Oscars, but the animated Barbie movies wouldn’t have to up their game much to be in the running for animation awards as they’re generally pretty meta making them fun for all ages. They had an animated online series (dreamhouse) that was well-acclaimed before the live action movie and actually seemed to inform how some of the live action movie was done.

    Really sounds like sitting on a gold mine and then trying to steal the workers’ bathroom because suddenly it got the “right” interest via controversy.

  • So from the article the Lae’zel ending only happenings if you

    Super spoiler don’t think there’s a spoiler text accepted across all instances yet

    Accept becoming a mind flayer and some events thereafter and then follow through with Vlaak’ith telling you to kill yourself. This “rare no one’s taken” glitch ending seems to be if you listen to Vlaak’ith, but don’t turn mind flayer you can still take the kill yourself ending if you check the mind flayer box …despite not being mind flayer. Which could only happen through a glitch. So it’s just a you could take this path if you’d checked X box but you didn’t so can’t “ending”. I’m not sure what this article is trying to say honestly as it’s literally just “if you make X choice you could get Y ending, but if you glitch the game to believe you made X choice you could get Y ending” article.

  • If you read the article, this isn’t a rarest ending like the headline says. There is an ending playing as Lae’zel most players don’t take because it’s a bad ending that obviously ends the story. The ending being talked about is a hacked ending that was maybe an idea at one point to get to the above ending via an alternative path, but wasn’t ultimately implemented. I wouldn’t even call this an ending frankly. It’s more “there’s some game files that can lead to each other if X or Y is marked, but actually can’t because Z being marked cuts that path off”. More of a glitch than anything.

  • Going to add some suggestions here for people who might not like the radio personalities setup a lot of podcasts have, but don’t have a place to start. Would appreciate anyone with suggestions adding on as I listen to audiobooks more than podcasts!

    • Parcast Network podcasts — they have several presenters covering a variety of topics (mainly true crime, disasters, cults, myths/legends/fairytales). This is the blandest, no shooting the shit, no radio personalities, formulaic as you can get. Their presenters are all mild mannered toned and the shows generally follow a format with a few variations (ie some of them give some random bullshit pulled out medical diagnosises to criminals, some are more sensationalized “could the killer have possibly been thinking this?”, etc). If you don’t like how one set of narrators present an event you can absolutely find a presenter you prefer on the network as the shows cannibalize the same stories between each other. Not the most factual podcasts and in-depth is anathema to them, but if you’re just looking for something inoffensive on in the background while you do the dishes they work.
    • The Other Half — one presenter, short episodes, well-researched women through the ages. This is a sort of sequel to the Queens of England podcast by the same podcaster. Each season focuses on a specific type of historical woman (current season is royal/political mistresses). The episodes are short, focus on the history, there is some modern contextualizing (in the vein of now that it’s not 1304 we can recognize getting up three days after giving birth to go tell an invading army to fuck off was a lot of work lol). Mostly though it’s just the history.
    • Dan Carlin’s Hardcore History — another good history podcast that covers a large variety of topics, but the episodes are long. Doesn’t make it a bad podcast, but six hours in length isn’t rare. Lot of straight history, but also modern contextualizing (like the Romans didn’t see executing criminals in the colliseum for entertainment as bad, but in modern times we would view that as very fucked up) and philosophizing (not sure I’d say getting up on a soapbox so much as this was the Roman’s philosophy about this, let’s follow their schools of thought).
    • The Magnus Archives — horror anthology with an overarching story. Very good production values and even if you’re not interested in the broader story there’s a ton of great creepypasta type stories.
    • Tales from the Stinky Dragon — DND play podcast with great production values and relatively short episodes (think they’re like 30min?). This is heavily edited to cut out a lot of the parts of DND that drag as a listener (multiple rounds of that’s a nat1, going back and forth on plans, etc) so though there’s some discussion between the players/DM it’s generally pretty snappy and most of the run time is just straight story. That said sometimes they do include tangents where the players meta joke with each other (this is probably the least offender I’ve heard for this though, if a tangent happens it’s usually five minutes at worst).
    • We’re Alive — zombie apocalypse story podcast. Has multiple shows, several completed, with great production values (probably one of the best I’ve heard for sound production). This is a radio play style podcast so cliffhangers abound. Being a zombie “story of survivors” many of the characters are probably going to ping obnoxious at first as part of the genre is survivors learning to work together.
    • Ruby the Galactic Gumshoe — so this actually was a radio play back in the day, the company has just updated to the present. These are trippy whimsical stories about Ruby, the interstellar detective. It started in the 80s iirc so expect to hear a ton of synth. The stories themselves run on a ton of puns, a quirky crew of heist characters, abstract philosophizing (in a what do robots dream of and colors taste like way) and trippy music to listen to when you’re high.
    • Myths and Legends — myths and Legends to lofi beats. Super chill, nothing more going on here, does have a lot of ads read by the narrator hard coded into the podcast so even if you pay for your podcasting service you do have to sit through them (not usually an issue since you can fast forward unless you’re driving ime).
    • Myths Your Teacher Hated — myths and legends, but told in a Badass of the Week style. Episodes are usually one myth/legend and one legendary/folktale creature. Unlike everything else on this list the narrator isn’t really a mellow soothing tone type so if you don’t like loud voices not a fit.
    • Let’s Talk About Myths, Baby! — in-depth podcast on myths with a lot of research and modern contextualizing, big feminist bent. The host does soapbox. Mainly listing this because it’s the only “I want opinion discussion, but I don’t want to hear five people discussing it between talking about what they ordered from Wendy’s” podcast I listen to. That said she talks a lot about her research and goes into the various sources she’s drawing from and their differences, so if you’re looking for in-depth she’s a great stop.
    • Batman: The Audio Adventures — honestly way better than it has any right to be, kind of an offshoot of 60s Batman and 90s animated Batman. Does the radio play style intentionally and very well. Even if you’re not into Batman you might enjoy it as a noir comedy.

  • There are podcasts out there that are more to the point. Honestly it’s like old radio. Talk shows are just going to be more popular cause like said it feels more like hanging out with friends.

    If you don’t like that format though look for podcasts with only one person on the cast (or if they have another person it’s someone they’re interviewing). There’s a lot of great history podcasts that are one person presenting, they have a script, they get through it in 20 minutes. You don’t have to listen to ten minutes of shooting the shit and “personalities” first, they just get straight to it and edit to keep it tight. Fiction story and play podcasts (ttrpg) also have a good representation in this category too (though they also have plenty of round table discussion ones so you’ll have to vet).

  • PassingDuchy@lemmy.worldtomemes@lemmy.worldDodge this!
    1 month ago

    Most Olympic athletes are young and wear fashion athletic clothes donated by endorsers who help pay them. In addition in the shooting category you’re (as I understand it) allowed a certain amount of tech to help you out. This man is older, didn’t wear the endorsed fashion clothes or the tech and won gold silver so he feels like a rare “every man” win in the Olympics. He is not an “every man” (believe he’s a decorated military and police man in his country), but a lot more people can relate to him winning gold silver than a 14 year old who’s been training for this since diapers in a fashion house outfit.

  • “After approaching the coelacanth to encourage it to move between two cameras positioned on a custom-made stand, the team turned on the lights. “At this depth, some think that there is no light,” says Ballesta. “There is [very] nice light. It’s tiny, it’s soft, but there is still light. So, it’s important to not use too much artificial light. It’s like driving in a car at night. If you put your lights on full, you see just in front of the car, and all the rest is dark. If you switch off your lights – and there is a little bit of moon – suddenly you see everything: the road, the mountains, the forest. It’s the same when you’re deep.””

    For anyone else wondering.

  • This is the one I bought. It works pretty well and has controls for each half so I can just heat one side if I want to address aches on that side or both if I’m trying to warm up quick. Haven’t run it through the wash yet so I’m not sure how it holds up there. Otherwise for pets (since I have a cat) their claws don’t get stuck on it, but they may cause threads to get pulled out (I haven’t had this happen a lot, but I figure if you have big dogs or something you’ll see a lot more threads pulled out; I have a miniature pincher sized cat so small dogs I assume wouldn’t cause too much wear and tear). It heats up pretty fast too, I think it only takes about ~2-3 minutes and once it’s heated up you don’t feel the lumps from the wires inside.

  • Idk about hit, but decent success maybe? Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles: The Crystal Bearers wouldn’t be bad with a re-release that fixes the controls (gameplay is mainly a series of mini-games which the timing is off for making attempting completing them a rage inducing task) and the travel map areas redone to have actual purpose instead of “here’s a zany spot with cyclical weather where you can throw stuff around to play with our gravity code”. The story was pretty good/interesting imo as a Final Fantasy version of Cowboy Bebop.