You should already have one and plenty of ammo for it.
Coke in a glass bottle has just as much corn syrup as coke in plastic bottles or aluminum cans.
I stopped cheering to anything attached to Elon when he decided to call a diver a pedo because the diver rescued those kids in the cave before Elon could.
Brother, after reading this thread, you’re the one that’s intentionally missing the point and failing to engage in good faith.
It’s more that they’re restreaming a stream, and the main stream doesn’t have commercials. They’re injected at commercial breaks, but aren’t a part of the main stream (because people in different regions get different commercials).
You realize that Canadians can own guns too, right?
What a dreary existence your life must be.
Why screen record? Just download the AMZN WEB-DL from one of the multitude of torrent sites that exist. What you’re getting from there is a literal direct copy of what Amazon streams to you.
He’s using the platform where people are. Did you expect him to post to Mastadon or something?
Epic Games is also a private company
Considering the majority of stakeholders in Epic are all public companies, I disagree with this notion. Tim Sweeney owns a bit over 40%, the rest is held by:
Tencent Sony Disney Kirkbi (Lego)
Not very private, I say.
You must be pretty young, because back in the dark days of spinning HDDs a computer would take 5+ minutes to boot.
Those storage freezers are doing nothing the vast majority of the time. Not really a fair comparison.
during the program
Hence the qualifier.
Not to be pedantic, but more than 3/4 of US voters “voted” for the orange chucklefuck. The ones that did vote for him and the ones that didn’t vote at all.
You generally can view a post w/o an account, just no comments associated with that post.
such as how is the traffic on my route home, and why am I stuck in traffic, and how many miles ahead of me is the fucking accident
Any maps app, especially Google Maps, would do this as well.
Eh, they just don’t want my money. I had a Netflix account back in the day. Ad-free and most everything was there. They’ve all fallen so far. Storage is pretty damn cheap these days, and torrents are a-plenty.
There were ads on cable channels as far back as I remember. We got cable in '85 or '86. HBO didn’t have ads during the program, but every other channel sure did.
Legit never seen those in stores anywhere near here, though I’ve heard about them. The glass bottle coke sold in any store around here is the same stuff as in any other container they sell it in.