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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 2nd, 2023


  • Not yet but the neighbors German shepherd did bite our late dog’s noise and cause a laceration when they were first getting introduced. I don’t blame the dog. They had just rescued it and still needed socialization (our dog was just fine and it was a controlled environment).

    I also have been bitten by a German shepherd that was a family’s dog. That one actually needed stitches. But again, it was a rescue and had a terrible temperament. They had the dog for a while but it was terribly trained and they shouldn’t have had the dog as they couldn’t control it.

    Our neighbor’s dog is so sweet and just needed some work. I’m not sure what happened to the other dog but I didn’t want to press chargers or anything. It’s just a dog that needed cared for by someone capable.

    Despite having bad experiences with German shepherds, I would never say it’s a problem with the breed. That’s just prejudice and ignorant.

  • Statistically the breed is misidentified as well leading to many ‘pitbull’ attacks not being actual pitbulls. Again, I’m not saying they’re not dangerous or that just anyone should own one but they should be treated like any other dog of their ilk. Rotts, German Shepards, Cane Corsos, Dobermanns, all are capable of massive damage but there aren’t nearly as many of those in need of a good home and good guidance. The problem is there are SO MANY pitbulls. By adopting one, I’m helping save a life since they are killed in shelters so much earlier than other breeds. Just like I’m not having kids and if I change my mind one day, I’ll adopt. I can adopt a dog that is at-risk and turn around their life, why wouldn’t I?

  • Or the opposite. I have had 2 rescues that have been amazing. The second has been a ton of work but it’s well worth it because he is one of the most loving and affectionate dogs I have ever met. I also believe that not just anyone should own a bully breed (or many other breeds of dogs for that matter).

    In my neighborhood, it’s 2 Golden’s that are always running free and wreaking havoc on other dogs and people. Meanwhile we have the ‘dangerous one’ because he is a pit. Our dog is not permitted outside the house without supervision and a lead if we’re outside the fence (still supervised in the fenced in area). The one time he got out I yelled ‘heel’ and he came right back. Meanwhile, the goldens chase us (and most other residents) into our own yard while the own stands still from his garage just yelling at them but the goldens don’t care. They just bark and snarl and encroach in our (and others) yard.

    I argue it’s the opposite of selfish. Giving time, money, and resources to care and save an animal that was abandoned doesn’t exactly seem selfish.

    I’m all for rescuing as many dogs as we can as a society (regardless of breed), but serious thought and planning needs to be in place as there are a lot of incapable people out there.

  • I didn’t know the left did all this:

    -Plotted to kidnap a governor.

    -Committed an insurrection.

    -Threw away a pandemic response plan because they thought it would hurt big cities more than rural areas.

    -Let businesses take PPP loans when they didn’t need it and not hold business accountable for what they did with those funds.

    -Block student loan forgiveness saying it’s too much money to spend (very hypocritical based on their PPP loans stance).

    -Put policies in place to make voting harder.

    -Reversed Roe v Wade to let the states decide. Then when a state votes in favor of abortion, they don’t want to honor the people’s decision.

    -Trying to stop legalization of marijuana (even when it’s put to a state vote) despite it being overwhelmingly favored by both parties.

    -Banning/preventing life saving medical care (example ectopic pregnancies).

    -Blame gun violence on mental health but then vote against mental health programs…

    -Ignore experts in fields of science and education because it goes against their agenda.

    -Plead to let the people decide on a new supreme court judge at the end of a presidential term (i.e. let the next president appoint the judge), only to not do the same when they hold office.

    -Have Nazis on their side…

    -Are in favor of gerrymandering (an unfair political strategy)

    Oh wait, all that wasn’t the left…

    To say the left has gone crazy with the current state of affairs is blatantly ignorant. And to cast a wide net on anyone who opposes what you think is right is also extremely dangerous and akin to facism. I don’t think every Republican is out of touch or crazy. I think they have many valid concerns. What I disagree with is the majority of Republican politicians. There are actually a few Republican politicians I do like just like there a ton of Democrat politicians I don’t like. It’s the direction the Republican party is going in regards to policies that I disagree with.

    And the right literally have stated they are in favor of smaller federal/national government and that states should have more power (hence a smaller government…)

  • You guys who? I used to vote Republican… I’m an independent voter who wants a political reform of ranked choice voting, removing the 2 party system, etc… I only vote Democrat now because the GOP shoved their foot so far up their ass showing their true colors.

    The GOP went full orange cult. They’re now hell bent on taking rights away and decide to vote against anything positive for their constituents as long as it is under the name of opposing democrats. They used to be the party of small government. Now they want to control everything and remove only regulations that ‘stop profit.’ They’re not even close to being the same party they used to be.

  • May I ask why? My old town had about a dozen golf courses when I was growing up. Now when I drive by it’s all housing developments other than the few that remain. It used to be a more rural area.

    I’d much rather see green space and golf courses than housing developments. While I completely agree that there is a housing shortage, it appears that root issue isn’t solved by more housing developments on golf courses. Instead, why not convert existing buildings (such as unused office spaces) into public housing. Or, prevent corporations or investment firms from buying up real estate/housing to turnaround and jack up costs.

    I may be biased but I’ve had these views before picking up golf. I mainly use golf as a way to stay active as I’m getting older and get outside in the fresh air.