It’s laziness. “I don’t have to think tough thoughts if I let someone else do all of the thinking for me.”
It’s laziness. “I don’t have to think tough thoughts if I let someone else do all of the thinking for me.”
Now that you mention it, I do remember hearing about the kidnapping and conversion way back at the start of the invasion.
Thanks for the education, I don’t think the things you brought up are reported widely enough
I completely understand that neither would be very nimble but I’d expect with how large I’m sure both ships are (an assumption, I know) they shouldn’t need to be nimble to be able to avoid a collision if they’re so visible
Welcome, I hope you enjoy your time here too
I have definitely found that to be the case. It helps to sort by new too 😅
I disagree with your last statement. Is promising to change not evidence of the motivation to change?
Some people lie about their intentions or don’t plan to change as quickly as expected, absolutely. But to assume everyone who has promised to change won’t feels unfair.
This sounds legit to me and I’m an expert, because I too have a grandmother
Not from this post obviously, but I’m a newbie from Reddit and excited for what Lemmy has to offer
Oh, in that case I take it back.
God, I hate this timeline!
To my knowledge Russia isn’t attempting to commit genocide. They want to have Ukraine under their thumb, not eradicated.
That is in no way a defence of Russia’s actions. I just don’t think we need to levy, what I believe to be a falsehood (I’m willing to accept I may be wrong here if anyone has evidence) at Russia to denounce them.
My comment about genocide was a jab at your Hitler-esque choice of words and comparing your view of Russian people to Hitler’s view of Jewish people.
I’m glad it’s not just me
That’s an interesting choice of words. Feels pretty genocidy in my humble opinion
Was it actually a US-Poland spat?
I thought it was just Musk running his mouth on Twitter as per.
If that’s the case I think it’s a dangerous game for the wider world to conflate Musk’s actions with the US as a whole
Edit: Seems like it was also US official/s taking part. What a wonderful world we live in 🙃
Now, I’m no expert but as I understand it, the North Sea is a pretty big place.
How is this even possible with modern navigation and communication systems? Even archaic, navigation and communication systems would be able to prevent this from happening. A crows nest would probably be able to avoid this from happening.
Am I crazy?
I think this is the winner. Pretty much exactly what I wanted. Thank you so much!
Oh awesome. I’ve never heard of it, I’ll have to check it out
Nice, good job fixing the issue
Difficult to say without seeing the HTML and CSS you’ve mentioned. My first guess was that it could be “pointer-events: none” was the cause but I believe that would stop the URL hover too, so not likely to be that.
I’m not too sure of your experience in non-wordpress web dev so I apologise if this is a stupid question, but have you inspected the html in browser? You’d likely get a much clearer idea of what’s going on under the hood and could inform a fix
A brain/computer interface. But like you say, depending on the state of tech companies maybe only as an input (I can manipulate computers without allowing them to send a signal of any kind to me).
It’d just be for stuff like mentally dictating note taking, being able to “Google” my thoughts (probably best to send the output to my phone rather than directly into my brain)
I get your point that it’s not specifically Chrome or specifically Safari that are holding other browsers back, but Apple and Google own the vast majority of market share in mobile devices and by extension, browsers used in mobile devices. I think that’s the crux of what the investigation is getting at