Katzenfutter sandwich?
Katzenfutter sandwich?
How does an apple poop?
Life when “a vector is just the values in a register where you can do an operation on all of the values at once”.
Aah, thanks. But I’ll keep reading it properly, as TEE-HEE.
Does Element X run directly on X now, without electron?
It will likely also depend on where you live, i.e. city vs rural area.
Sorry for the late answer. Somehow I got a bad case of demo effect.
For example, under this video I’m getting recommendations such as:
If only it was limited to TikTok. YouTube always recommends me those right shit videos, just because I’m german. (And no, it’s not personalization. I’ve turned that off, and it seems to work, YouTube doesn’t recommend me anything similar to the stuff that I actually watch.)
And if I didn’t know that and how those right populists want to manipulate me, I would have long been radicalized already. There are just too many gullible people. Ads work for them, classical populism works for them, they give nigerian princes their money, they believe in superstition, why would anyone think voters were suddenly at least borderline resistent against populism?
No. Using discord is unacceptable. It’s not pettiness.
The measuring device would be kill’o’meter.
It’s it’s, not its.
Are people really using an acronym for toilet paper? Why?
It works if you include the amount of matter the sun radiation has to pass through in your distance measure.
Homer once explained it to his daughter Lisa. If you’re jealous, it means you are scared that someone else might take away what you already have. Being envious means that you want to have what somebody else has.
OP asked for petty/pointless/pedantic hills. Did you miss that?
I didn’t know penguins could marry.
If they don’t have normal cat food, they shall just give the cat 30€ cat food instead!