Wait, where was when? - murloc

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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 30th, 2023

  • Yup, peeps don’t like to admit how totalitarian / dystopian all the sea countries really are, or how enourmously proud the average man or woman are of all the regressive ideals and cultural norms. Thinking real change is possible in a system if we “get off our hands” is so unbelievable naive. Has anyone in this thread actually spent any time working or living in Japan or any other Asian island nations? The xenophobia and classism is so next level the only comparison in the west is a deranged Trumper who believes white people should be paid more than any other race for their contributions to ccultured civilization.

    I don’t have alot of personal experience with transphobia as other than Fillipino and Thai ladyboys, who are kinda their own thing, culturally. (Not to say their societal reputation is very good, or even a positive, as they are basically expected to emgage in sex work. I have never meet a asian trans person outside the west other than the two previous examples.

    Japan is on of the few western aligned countries that i believe literally needs a big dose of post modern French style feminism. Full on women strikes across the board. The average Japanese man is physically and emotionally incapable of taking care of himself and any potential children or dependents.

  • I am not qualified to give you a comprehensive list of specific Palestinians murdered. However,

    https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Israeli_assassinations Is a good start, yes lots of those are legitimate war targets. You can always cross reference news articles from the days after the dates, and see a often recurring pattern. Young charismatic leaders who preach anything other than the total destruction of isreal are offed. Those who do are captured and used for trades. Further radicalizing everyone.

    My point was that this has been a generational operational idea pruning away any Palestinian leaders who voiced direct opposition without Isreali genocide, and now all they had to do was stand down for two weeks and they’re at exactly the point they wanted to be in back in the 90s/00s. Except even better as the “occupied terretories” as they love to call it are smaller and more tightly packed then ever before. And the world will be turning a blind eye as they finally get to build their fascist apartheid

  • Echelon, mk ultra, and prism were all spy novels too.

    We now know the Egyptians were (according to them, no comment from isreal) warning the Isrealis atleast ten days ago about a “major and unusual” hamas operation being planned. That dosent sound like the mossad we all know and love(fear?)

    While Iran supplying weapons to hamas is indeed problematic, I seriously doubt an influx of Iranian weapons made this any more possible now, then it was a decade ago. Rockets, dirtbikes, and powered hangliders? Hamas has been using all of these for decades.

    Hamas, plo and any other Palestinian political movement I can think of has done a pretty decent job considering the tools and training at their disposal, to not target people that would cause them to loose what little western support they already had. Now with pretty little white eu and isreali girls being torture raped to.death on camera that has evaporated. These people are not dumb and knew what the response would be.

    From my end it’s 9/11 all over again, everyone knew it was going to happen, at the very least allowed it to happen. Perhaps even assisted in the early stages of planning / logistics then extracting all involvement well before the deed goes off and poof. No more real objections as isreal absorbs the remaining Palestinian areas with extreme prejudice.