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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: September 28th, 2023


  • It’s definitely not a natural feeling, and I totally get what you mean about it feeling like a job. I still struggle with it sometimes myself. I literally have to play mind games with myself to force myself to go out at times.

    The unfortunate thing is, if you don’t try at all, you’re not going to get better. Like I said, it’ll be rough at first. You’ll feel super uncomfortable and want to run back to the safety of your solitude. But you have to push through it, or you’ll end up stuck where you are.

    Mental health access is not great, but if you have an option to speak with a therapist, that may be a good first step if you need a helpful push

  • That’s awesome dude, and like, you should totally rely on each other where you can to just go out and do stuff you’re interested in. Get comfortable with it. Start looking for and suggesting things you want to do and see if you can drag them along. That’s what helped me get more comfortable starting to go out more, is just realizing how much stuff is out there I want to check out.

    Genuinely the best way to meet other nerdy people is to go out to places where other nerds meet. I’m into like anime and stuff, and I’ve started forcing myself to go to cons in cosplay by myself, and I’ve met so many cool people that way because everyone is just so excited to share in the interest together

  • I used to be exactly like you. My social battery died way too quick and I hated going anywhere. No interest in alcohol or getting drunk at all. But the thing is, if you don’t go anywhere or talk to anyone, you end up missing out on so many cool things. That unfortunately took me way too long to realize.

    You kinda just gotta force yourself to go out and get used to it via exposure therapy. It absolutely sucks at first, but keep at it. It gets better. Having friends to go out with helps a ton, but I’m also at the point where I’m starting to get comfortable doing things by myself too. Doing that helps a ton with meeting new people.

    I still don’t like alcohol, but it also helps me to be more social too. That in turn helps me get more comfortable with socializing in general. You don’t have to overdo it and get drunk, just enough to take the edge off and relax more. It’s a genuinely really helpful crutch at times.

    I know it’s easy to disregard advice like this. I’ve done it plenty of times. But trust me, it’s worth it. Don’t rush, take your time, and you’ll get there eventually. I believe in you

  • I tried to do this research years ago and my impression was that acer was near bottom of the barrel in reliability thses days unfortunately.

    That said, it also seems to like in general laptop quality and reliability seems to be a total crap shoot, even within the same company.

    So your best bet imo is to just find a model that has the specs you like and research the hell out of it before buying.

  • Thatuserguy@lemmy.worldtome_irl@lemmy.worldme_irl
    2 months ago

    For me personally, I just am and always have been a really big introvert, and my social battery drains very quickly if I’m stuck in a social situation I’m not interested in because of it. If I start giving you signs that I’m tired of talking or that I was trying to focus on something important that you’re distracting me from, and you still keep going anyways, then I start getting irritated.

    If I was better at politely but firmly telling people to leave me the hell alone when that battery drains it probably wouldn’t be as much of an issue, but I also don’t know how to do that without feeling rude.