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Joined 4 months ago
Cake day: March 16th, 2024


  • If this was law, and companies had to divulge how there stuff worked and was assembled, as well as sell parts, things would last longer.

    I’m all for it but I think you’re being a bit too optimistic. If we had the right to repair then the prices of repair kits and materials is going to go up most likely. I can think of a few other ways they can make that system obnoxious too.

    It’s like everything else. Yeah, the general systems in place could be greatly improved but ultimately the majority of the issues lie with the people at the top who refuse to let us have good things. No matter what laws are passed they will find a way to profit at any cost. The shareholders behind massive corporations are the first priority because no solution we create will work as efficiently as it can unless they are out of the picture.

  • They could have potentially run DeSantis, he just lacked the party’s backing. While he’s basically a younger, less orangey Trump for the most part, the fact that he’s a lot younger would have probably won a lot of people over. It wouldn’t change the GOP from being the MAGA party or change their current values or the general situation with the election though.

    We should be grateful that Trump is rather incompetent. He’s torn up the GOP as he can’t allow anyone to overtake him in the hierarchy he’s created. His own ego ensures that any competent ideas that could push his agenda forward are thrown out.

  • Right, I forget that the concept of Thule changed over time.

    And yeah, they were definitely aware of the world outside of their own cartography. I believe there were definitely accounts of them attempting to journey on the Baltic Sea, but I don’t recall it ending well.

    Similarly they also were well aware of the Chinese. It’s disputed but Roman ambassadors or merchants made it to China at one point. I believe in 166 BCE a crew went over there, but unfortunately they likely returned home at a troubling time when the Antonine Plague was spreading.

    Might be wrong about some details though.

  • Reddit could always be aggressive, and if you search up the OP it looks like they went into a passionate community and stirred it up.

    They didn’t deserve this level of vitriol or the lack of elucidation though. That’s definitely gotten worse over time. Part of why I left was how aggressively immature it had become, to the point where you couldn’t have normal conversations there anymore.

  • As am I. I’m a bit curious as to which viewpoint they’re discussing.

    I don’t think it’s bad for people to be somewhat suspicious of bots/misinformation campaigns that occur online. We do know they occur.

    That said, I believe we should still try to communicate on the various media platforms in the event that there is in fact a human behind the screen.

  • How long have you been using it?

    I’ve been using it for years. About six months ago or somewhere around that, YouTube started a small campaign against adblockers though. In that campaign, they actually forced Vanced to rebrand to Revanced due to a lawsuit. It was in this time that through the campaign more people became aware of adblockers.

    This actually sucked for users like me. The amount of times I’d have to repatch Revanced due to the constant updates was awful. It’s more stable now, but if this ever happens again it will be annoying.

    If people bring attention back to adblockers, then it will be like this again. Sites will be threatening legal action and restructuring themselves to break adblockers, while adblockers will have to constantly update in order to stay functional.