So if a car hit your house and the postman gets hurt you’d hold yourself personally responsible and pay all his costs and stuff?
So if a car hit your house and the postman gets hurt you’d hold yourself personally responsible and pay all his costs and stuff?
Yeah I got it here in England for my budget school uniform, for requiring free achool.meals, for my shoes, for a dozen other signs of poverty…
I love that america tackles it’s own social issues and hate that Brits and other Europeans do nothing but snarky attacks on America as a way of denying our own issues and pretending america is uniquely bad.
So if they did organize good transportation and alerted the cities you would support the move?
It’s also including the cost of admin and additional services, but yes immigrants cost the nation a lot of money - you think this is expensive wait until you see how much it costs to house them and all that stuff…
This is why boarder states are doing it, it is cheaper for them to spend one time 2000 than all the other costs that would be incurred
Fantastic argument debunking and refuting all my points!
It makes you mad because you don’t want to face reality you just want your team to win so that you feel good, it’s kinda pathetic tbh
Well yeah they declared themselves a sanctuary city for political points, they didn’t want to deal with reality.
Why does her living in the US for six years change anything? That doesn’t debunk the claims made by the right. If anything it bolsters them because it shows a lack of integration even after so long.
Also instead of attacking the right about every news story isn’t it important to anyone to actually talk about the real and genuine problems here? Avoiding actual issues might help dunk on the right in our lefty clunhuts but it doesn’t fix anything or help anyone and it just makes the right more popular
Dang kids don’t know how to tune a TV or do the tappets in their car!
They’ll be screwed if they find themselves in 1980!
If it helps i can explain how lemmy thinks,
Elon does nothing at his companies and is lazy and stupid, also Elon is intricately responsible for everything which happens at his companies and so everything they do is bad.
They will believe any ‘Elon bad’ story because they’re desperate to, largely because he said some bad things on Twitter and is bad at memes. They will also assume any Elon related thing is bad because to them reality is a team sport and if someone has differing political opinions they must be not only ontological evil but stupid and bad in every way.
It’s hilarious to me when people complain about jobs like this training AI, oh you watch videos and it’s hard to concentrate after a while? Welcome to actual driving jobs and factory work!
Before automation people stood at machines doing the same repetitive task for 8 hours a day or longer and if they lose concentration they could lose a limb.
Automation and computation has made what would have been absolute plum luxury jobs less than a hundred years ago seem burdensome and ‘dystopian’ to our modern sensibilities, I have no doubt that we will likewise see the mental and physical effort of driving as well as the danger of it become as unconscionable as threshing or machine operator work is to us now.
‘This company I like must secretly want us to hack their code because I am a good person and they are good people so we must think exactly the same!’
OK buddy, tell yourself what you need to.
People with this mentality are so odd to me, like you must be very young or actively avoided witnessing any of the endless stream of disruptor technologies which have come and ended once untouchable business by making them obsolete.
That or you’ve conveniently forgotten all the times you said something like ‘streaming will never replace video rental’ or ‘they’ll never let VoIP displace long distance call charges’ then reality has proven you wrong.
I call the other side of the world almost every day for several hours and it costs me absolutely nothing, when I was a kid we had to time how long a call to the other side of town lasted because it was so expensive.
Tech regularly makes things significantly cheaper, and not just on the scale of things like lace costing so much that lace curtains were a sign of high affluence before the industrial revolution. Have you ever had a encyclopedia salesman knock at your door? No? It was common before Wikipedia and the internet absolutely destroyed that business model and gave everyone access to information for free.
Pagers were in somewhat common use in the 60s, by 1980 wide area paging was on the market offering the ability to send text messages to portable devices anywhere in the country - I’d describe sms as two way pagers.
I’d be interested in examples of what he watchs, it’s hard to know how to respond otherwise.
I think you’re probably worrying too much though, I watch all sorts of junk on YouTube largely because I enjoy finding out how other people think more than it constanrly changing my opinion - sure he’s young and doesn’t have the same level of awareness as an adult but also nothing in his life will actually matter for about 5 more years so a few bad opinions aren’t the end of the world.
When he says ‘I don’t know’ maybe you should believe that’s how he really feels, feed into it a bit and as painful as this might be for you admit that you don’t know either - life is full of confusing shit and honesty half the stuff I see I don’t even know how I feel about it or if it’s true, sane, or sensible. I’m sure he knows loads of interesting things going on in the world that you’re totally unaware of so let him tell you about it, be interested and accepting while in a non-dogmatic way rasising doubts where appropriate or simply tell a story from your own life that explains your doubts - not like ‘I’m old and know better’ but more friendly and demonstrating it’s normal to not know who to trust or what’s valid.
Positive reinforcement of doubt and distrust is important, demonstrate that you understand he’s learning about the world and its absurdities and complexities, laugh about some of it WITH him rather than making him feel like you’re saying ‘the stuff you watch is dumb and you’re dumb for watching it’ because understanding others is FAR more important in life than knowing the truth about obscure subjects, hard pill to swallow maybe but it’s true.
Your seven points you worry about are well and good but media doesn’t do that, politicians don’t do that, corporations don’t do that, life partners and lovers don’t do that, friends don’t do that, I bet YOU don’t do that… To live in this world we’ve got to learn how to take the important bits and leave the rest, we’ve got to learn why people do the things they do and that’s only possible with a big messy database in our heads of all the different types of people out there.
It sounds from the way you speak like you’ve given him a good grounding in logical, sensible, and scientifically literate discourse which is great but now his brain yearns to understand more of the world - why is everything so crazy and weird? why do people who seem nice sometimes do crazy and hurtful things? Why does this girl say such odd things, does she like me or hate me? These are questions you can only start to answer by understanding people and things you don’t believe in.
I listened to endless craziness like Alex Jones, 5Live, loveline, all sorts of brain rot shit - never once did I think Adam Carolla was anything but [string of words now forbidden] though he was funny, it was fun to listen to and entertaining, I learnt a lot about the world from callers and even Adam though he certainly never did a single one of your seven virtues.
Yes maybe the entertainment is more important than the content of their arguments, being able to know the truth is useful but being able to entertain friends, girlfriends, bosses and authority figures is what can turn a hard life into a great and easy one.
Yes they should but that’s largely down to Democrats, if they wanted to have a dialog and offer to pay to have their busses collect them then I doubt the republican senators could refuse from a political standpoint
Where are the plans to make a fair ayatem? Where are the calls to organize peoper transport? All I see is democrats calling it immoral and saying they should stop.
Help them how? You think some Texas town can fix an immigrants life and process them for less than $1800 per head?
The sanctuary cities have resources and infrastructure which texas biarder towns do not, splitting the large numbers of immigrants between them makes sense if those people are going to be living in the community until they’re processed. The prior method of keeping them in cages fed on gruel and afforded no humanity is rightfully ruled out so what other option is there?
I agree that it should be better organized, maybe the receiving states should have an open and balanced dialog where they agree to pay for and organize transport themselves to ensure the people are treated with dignity and everything is organized for their arrival.
Six cities that declared themselves sanctuary cities? Surely those are the best places, they actively advertise migrants are welcome.
And you say dumping them but then say they’re an economic and cultural benefit, surely if you believe that you think its great thes six democrat cities benefit?
As for the cost, maybe those cities could send their own busses to collect them instead? Would be a strong move politically plus they could be better prepared for their arrival. But yes that’s not a huge amount of money for the logistics of moving people, cheaper than housing them all and paying all the other costs in the boarder towns they come from, cities have far more resources and better infrastructure. Though of course it wouldn’t be popular for the local politician because as we’ve seen the sanctuary cities get upset when faced with the reality of large numbers of immigrants.
It’s the same here in the UK, multiple BBC channels all disappointing
It’s funny that any time these companies are brought up everyone says they’re dangerous yet the second one listens to the sorts of studies about negative affects that get quoted here all the time everyone suddenly decides actually its censorship or brainwashing or corporate greed and that it’s evidence they’re evil…
Scientific studies said this content can harm developing children so they made efforts to mitigate harm, is it really so hard just to say ‘oh thats good, well done’ and if so then doesn’t that tell you a lot about your own motivations?
Also a car bumping a wall or even breaking a window doesn’t seem like a real problem, feels like this is one of those ‘man chokes eating his shoe, shocking statistics show almost all Americans wear dangerous choking hazard shoes!’
Also bollards don’t change the situation significantly for the occupants of the car, the only statistic that’s actually interesting is how often do people outsidw the car get hurt when it happens - since they’re only talking about one tragic incident I’m guessing it’s a low number.