I’ve been saying this for years…
There is no trump as you know him; it’s just 4-6 possums in a trenchcoat.
I’ve been saying this for years…
There is no trump as you know him; it’s just 4-6 possums in a trenchcoat.
How many rubles you get per letter typed?
Soros ain’t paying great this year and I’m thinking of switching employers…
K thanks. Very helpful 🤡
US IT company ABBYY has dismissed all Russian
Mostly their leader is a cunt.
Your assumption is just an emotionally based knee jerk reaction!
I wish you could grasp the concept of irony.
Okay so now that everyone is here, the above comment is precisely what to look for when checking for signs of stroke.
On to .ml for the rest of our addled brains tour. Stay with you buddy and the group!
Knew I was letting someone out. How non-inclusive of me lol
Hey just so you know apple and apple products suck and belong in the bin 🤷
Apple’s shareholders and BoD should be thrown off the highest building imaginable.
More than one side can be monstrous in a conflict.
I agree, which is why I don’t support any monstrous regimes 🤷
You don’t have to pick a side, it’s a moral trap and being super loud about having an opinion doesn’t stop the bloodshed or justify any of it.
Just wondering, when do you think this war started?
Typical entitled behavior from citizens of the world’s most disgusting totalitarian regime.
They are idiots.
You can’t support skin-wetness and also vote to force people to wear clean, dry towels.
Block me too, please 🙆
I’m too ignorant to not give you constant shit moving forward after having seen how idiotic you are at your core.
Ozma, yogthos, tokenboomer, alcoholicorn… am I forgetting anyone?
It’s because (like all authoritarian dildos) he has an ego larger than he deserves and can’t look inward for anything.
Totalitarian despot shocked to learn his citizens must shadow his beliefs absolutely or be disappeared/just plain murdered
More at 6 and 8 o’clock
All this wasted time typing to shame people who for all you know donate days a month to helping those less fortunate.
Why don’t you donate some of your time to the needy instead of typing so much vile vitriol?
You’re a pathetic human with paper empathy.
Fuck you.
It’s so easy to tell if it was stolen.
If your favorite side doesn’t win, it was stolen. That’s it, that’s how you can tell.