• 26 Posts
Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: July 27th, 2023

  • I have one of each. Long wool coats protect your bum and legs from the wind, but have to be drycleaned, brushed of hair or lint and protected against moths. Puffers are more practical and portable but cover less of you, and depending on filling may also have to be dry cleaned (in the case of down).

    The trench coat I have is op shop and the puffer is Kmart so both came in well under budget.

    If you really can’t choose you could start with a cheaper puffer to get an idea of it while you continue saving. Then if you don’t like it you can donate it and buy something more suitable

  • It’s cold af. I thought it’d be fine with the electric blanket alone but I wasn’t in the bed, wasn’t dressed heavy enough and had opened the door to grab my plants. Was not prepared.

    I put door snakes and a rolled up towel under the doors. The casing on the blanket ‘curtain’ I use to block off the other room was unraveling and the fan heater I had out broke… fortunately I had a spare one, and did a really quick rough sewing job.

    Then I put trackies over my leggings, a second pair of socks and slippers. I would have been smart to layer up first but didn’t expect the snafus to take so long.

    This is the first time I’ve turned a heater on this year but it’s going now. The cat hasn’t emerged yet, hopefully it warms things up a bit before it’s time for her breakfast.