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Joined 7 months ago
Cake day: February 20th, 2024

  • A war in Lebanon is actually bad for Netanyahu. His interest is a slow-burning war so he can prolong the current situation as much as possible

    The current situation is that he’s in a war in Gaza and that is keeping him in office. He can still spin this as “we are fighting against an existential threat”. Rocket defence and retaliation strikes aka the slow burning war in Lebanon is not enough for the Israeli society to unite behind Bibi. Only if they seriously attack. And I think Netanyahu wants to provoke such an attack.

    Sending thousands of bombs God knows where they land is not a proper defense. It’s a huge escalation where Hezbollah will answer. I think the best argument against this strike has been thrown around everywhere: What if Hezbollah made such an attack where 3000 bombs where sent to IDF people. We would talk about a terrorist attack. Why is that different now?

  • Bibi really wants a war with Hezbollah, doesn’t he? I mean you can’t call it defending Israels safety anymore when you provoke any and all responses every other month with a missile here, a bomb there and now thousands of bombs everywhere. This is just another measure to keep Netanyahu in a conflict so that he doesn’t have to bear the consequences of multiple corruption cases against him and the dissolving of his coalition outside unity cases in a war. Why is Europe and the US still covering for him? What is the rest of Israel doing?

  • Beside Project 2025 and everything fascist he says and clings to to get elected so he doesn’t have to face judgement, you’ve got got to admit that sometimes he is hilarious. Unintentionally mind you, but still so funny.

    Like this could have been an Onion headline or a sketch about how his whole campaign was ‘Biden old’ and now he’s caught with his pants down when Biden is no longer on the ticket. Next up he’s gonna claim Biden faked being demented so he could ruin Donalds campaign by dropping out. It’s all a conspiracy, folks…

    I’d be dumbstruck if Kamala loses this at this point. It’s astounding to see how a campaign could swing so hard after such a fumbled debate and a literal assassination attempt.

  • “I’ve heard statements [from other soldiers] that the hostages are dead, they don’t stand a chance, they have to be abandoned,” Green noted. “[This] bothered me the most … that they kept saying, ‘We’re here for the hostages,’ but it is clear that the war harms the hostages. That was my thought then; today it turned out to be true.”

    This right here low-key bothers me most about the Israeli position. This war isn’t about freeing hostages. You wouldn’t blow up every building, every Hamas tunnel when you knew that somewhere these hostages have to be held AND you cared about their well-being.

  • Absolute insanity. When I’m seeing these things around the world and now in Ukraine I’m always trying to see a logical explanation, some twisted cynical reasoning for why you bomb these vulnerable civilian targets, and I can’t find anything. It’s just cruelty. Ukrainians aren’t going to surrender because of this, people and nations never have before. It just makes resistance to your war that much more defiant. If you bomb a childrens hospital, it’s just because you want to punish people for not letting you win.

    The second part that hurts is that this changes so little in the grand scheme. Maybe some guy who was living under a rock who was skeptical changes his mind about this invasion. But the vast majority of Russian internet propagandists, pro-Russia politicians in parliaments in the EU and around the world and people blinded by Putins lies will find some pathetic excuse to deny and deflect. And in a week the next atrocity occurs somewhere